What is an ERP?
It is a process of integrated flow of Information, which binds the organization together.
It is a process of integrated flow of Information, which binds the organization together.
It is an integrated application
software module providing operational, managerial and strategic Information for
improving productivity, efficiency and quality.
PeopleSoft HRMS system provides complete
support for all human resources needs with functionality for
- Recruiting employees
for jobs
- Tracking training,
employee skills and education
- Administering base
benefits programs and more
Describe the Life Cycle of a Project (ERP
The Project passes through the following stages.
1. Analysis
2. Designing
3. Coding
4. Testing
5. Implementation
6. Maintenance.
The Project passes through the following stages.
1. Analysis
2. Designing
3. Coding
4. Testing
5. Implementation
6. Maintenance.
3. What is Component Processor?
The Component Processor Controls
the PeopleSoft Applications from Initial data retrieval through updating the database.
The component processor manages the
flow of data processing as users enter
information on pages. Issues INSERT DELETE and UPDATE statements to maintain
data in the database and SELECT statements
to retrieve data
4. What is component buffer?
Buffer is the area in memory that stores data for the currently active
5. What is
the difference between component buffer and data buffer?
Component buffer contains all the data of the active component.
Data buffer contains the data other than the data in the component buffer (Data of other records)
Component buffer contains all the data of the active component.
Data buffer contains the data other than the data in the component buffer (Data of other records)
6. What
data buffer classes are available in people code?
Rowset, Row, Record, Field, Array, File, Sql, chart, grid and so on.
Rowset, Row, Record, Field, Array, File, Sql, chart, grid and so on.
7. How do you bring component buffer in to application
engine program?
can assign a record which is used in component buffer to a state record of
Application engine.
between field edit and save edit?
In Field edit for each field change, a
transition to the application server to the database is taken place. In Save
edit for all the fields, only one transition to the application server to the
Database is taken place.
9. Diff b/w save pre change and save post
10. Arrays and Load lookup in SQR?
Load Lookup is used to reduce the complexity
of joins - it populates the values of a certain field depending on the key field
specified from a certain table. Then the users can query from the preloaded
lookup table instead of joining tables. While arrays are used to store and
retrieve data using the get and put commands
will be populated at compilation time.
can adjust the size of load-lookup.
is only for text data type
gets populated at Execution time.
can't modify size of the Array. If we given more than the size of the array,
Array supports all data
How can we know
from SQR, if environment is PSNT or PSUNX?
12. What is SQL
13. View Temporary Table?
View: SQL View has
fields from one or more tables in the reorganized way. This provides
alternative view of information stored in the tables.
Table: are used for running application engine batch
processes. Temporary tables can store data to update without risking the main
application table.
14. Can the output of a SQL query be
stored in a variable using PeopleCode? If so how it be done?
15. How to migrate roles or PeopleCode
from one database to another database?
Include all the roles in a project by
clicking on Insert -> Definitions into Project -> select Roles and add
them into the project. Migrate the project to another database.
Create a data mover script to migrate
roles from PSROLEDEFN or PSPCMPROG for peoplecode table.
Login to database through App Designer as a source database.
2. Click on upgrade tab and open the project which contains roles which you want to migrate.
3. Double click on Roles folder under the opened project.
4. Select Action as "Copy".
5. Go to Tools > Copy Project > To Database.....
6. Give database name (Target Database) to which you want to migrate roles.
7. Click on "OK"
8. Select "Roles" from different objects and copy those roles.
9. After completion of Copying double click on Roles folder under the opened project and verify that "Done" checkbox should be checked.
2. Click on upgrade tab and open the project which contains roles which you want to migrate.
3. Double click on Roles folder under the opened project.
4. Select Action as "Copy".
5. Go to Tools > Copy Project > To Database.....
6. Give database name (Target Database) to which you want to migrate roles.
7. Click on "OK"
8. Select "Roles" from different objects and copy those roles.
9. After completion of Copying double click on Roles folder under the opened project and verify that "Done" checkbox should be checked.
16. What is the use of set control field
in record field properties?
Control id is used when you want to share tables in PeopleTools applications.
17. How to create prompt table?
Using edit table option in record
field properties
18. How
is performance management taken care in People Tools?
tables on the database side helps in batch processing a great deal.
tables helps.
If there is custom code make sure the SQL
queries used are written well with the use of proper keys and joins are correct
as well.
19. What are state records?
state record will be used to pass variable information between two application
engine sections.
can be physical or derived work record. Physical record can be used when you
have restart logic and when you have disabled the restart logic derived work
record can be used.
can be a max of 200 state records that can be used in a single AE but only one
of them can be default state record name must end with _AET.
20. What is mandatory step of application engine program?
is the required section in Application Engine.
- There can be multiple steps in single application engine but at least one step should be part of AE.
- Similarly you can have multiple actions in AE but you should have minimum 1 action part of step.
- There can be multiple steps in single application engine but at least one step should be part of AE.
- Similarly you can have multiple actions in AE but you should have minimum 1 action part of step.
21. What is difference between component level peoplecode
and record level peoplecode?
level PeopleCode is associated with unique component, where as record level
peoplecode can be associated with any number of components
22. Types of PeopleCode functions?
code supports these types of functions:
Built in
External people
non-people code
23. Explain with example where you used peoplecode
24. What is the difference between Prebuild & Postbuild
events and saveprechange and savepostchange?
can be used to validate your search data, discarding rows. Postbuild
can be used to play with the pages (hide, unhide), filling up scrolls.
Saveprechange is the last event where you can validate and correct your data before updating the database. Once it is done, database will get updated. Savepostchange will be used to play with tables which are not present in your component buffer.
Saveprechange is the last event where you can validate and correct your data before updating the database. Once it is done, database will get updated. Savepostchange will be used to play with tables which are not present in your component buffer.
25. Sequence of peoplecode events?
peoplecode performs before the search dialogue box displays.
save peoplecode performs after the operator clicks ok in the search record
dialogue box.
select peoplecode is used to filter out rows of data.
is often used to hide and unhide the pages.
default attempts to set defaults for fields without a value.
formula performs, after field default completes successfully.
is used to initialize the rows.
peoplecode performs after all the component build events have performed.
event is fired every time the page is activated.
26. Difference between SQLEXEC and CREATESQL?
SqlExec means it bypasses the component
buffer and it is directly contacts database to retrieve data. But it retrieves
the data row by row and not possible for bulk insert.
But in the case of Create SQL we can able
insert the data in bulk.
27. Where is peoplecode stored?
Database Server, PSPCMPROG
28. Is there any function in peoplecode
which stops the processing of whole component?
functions suspend processing either until the user has taken some action (such
as clicking a button in a message box), or until an external process has run to
Think-time functions
Following are Think time functions:
Exec (only when Synchronous)
File attach functions
WinExec(only when Synchronous)
29. Stages of program flow in SQR?
Compile stage
All the Preprocessor directives are
compiled (which starts with #include).
Ex: All the SQC are run.
Ex: All the SQC are run.
Check for the syntax errors for the
Ex: if for loop while loop are properly ended with the respective syntax.
Ex: if for loop while loop are properly ended with the respective syntax.
Allocates memory structure if you are
using the Arrays and load look up
Execution stage
starts interpreting the code line by line
Check for the
Execution stage
starts interpreting the code line by line
Check for the
begin -program
Begin -heading
Begin- footer
Begin -heading
Begin- footer
Program flow of SQR?
Setup section
heading section
footing section
program section
procedure section
Difference between
Translate values and Prompt tables?
Translate Table:
Translate table is a special kind of table that is limited to validating data of four characters or less. The translate table serves as a universal prompt table and is effective-dated
Prompt Table:
Prompt table are used to provide users with validate values from other tables other values are generally populated by system users and are often application specific
Translate table is a special kind of table that is limited to validating data of four characters or less. The translate table serves as a universal prompt table and is effective-dated
Prompt Table:
Prompt table are used to provide users with validate values from other tables other values are generally populated by system users and are often application specific
32. What is .SQC and .SQT?
.SQC is a Function Library file. It is like a sub program
is saved by extension .SQC and this program can be called in the SQR program
.SQT is compile time/Run time file. When a file with XXX.SQR is compiled we get the output as XXX.SQT and when is XXX.SQT is executed we get the output XXX.LIS (List file/Output file).
.SQT is compile time/Run time file. When a file with XXX.SQR is compiled we get the output as XXX.SQT and when is XXX.SQT is executed we get the output XXX.LIS (List file/Output file).
33. Important SQC that need to be attached to SQR program?
#include 'setenv.sqc'
#include 'stdapi.sqc'
#include 'prcsdefn.sqc'
#include 'prcsapi.sqc'
#include 'curdtrim.sqc'
#include 'hrctlnld.sqc'
#include 'datwtime.sqc'
34. What is Normalization in Oracle?
major goals of Normalization are
redundant data (for example storing the same data in more than one table
Ensuring data dependencies (only storing
related data in a table).
35. Performance tuning in SQR?
Look Up
SQT Files
on the BATCH Server
Programming Logic
36. Difference between search record and
add search record?
Search Record: Specify the search record for the component. The
search record controls access to rows of data in a table. Its keys and
alternate search keys appear on the search page as criteria.
Add Search record: Specify if you want a different search record specifically for add actions.
Add Search record: Specify if you want a different search record specifically for add actions.
37. What is difference between scroll and
Scroll area is used to maintain parent
child relationship we insert grid in low level scroll
Example: assume we have 3 scroll levels
in our page level1 level2 and level3 we insert grid in level 3
38. How many ways we can run the
application engine program?
Running from Application Designer.
calling People Code function.
Running from DOS Environment (Debugging).
Running from Application Engine People
Running from People soft Application.
39. Functional and Technical?
Based on Customer Business processes
functional person maps requirements to PeopleSoft and performs the rules and
the Configurations required. He is the one who collects the requirement and
decides what customization is and what
is delivered by PeopleSoft.
PeopleSoft Technical Guy is the Person who
knows how to code in PeopleSoft to execute the requirement.
40. What are the new features added in PS
8 Application Designer?
The newly added features in PS 8 Application Designer are as follows:
The newly added features in PS 8 Application Designer are as follows:
The Application Reviewer has been
integrated with Application Designer in 8.
The PeopleCode has become VBA style with
objects properties and methods.
The Meta SQL variables are introduced. The
new variables like component, record, SQL has been introduced.
The Application engine now supports
The scroll bars have become scroll areas in
PS 8.0 etc.
41. What are the three actions that can be
attached to menu?
42. What is the difference between a
Process and a Report?
The Process receives a command line parameter where as the Report receives run controls from the page.
The Process receives a command line parameter where as the Report receives run controls from the page.
43. What are maximum number of actions possible
in a step, list them
Various actions possible in Application Engine step are as follows:
Various actions possible in Application Engine step are as follows:
Do while
Do when
Do select
Do until
One action can be called only once in a step of an Application Engine program.
One action can be called only once in a step of an Application Engine program.
44. Tell about application engine program
you worked with?
45. What is built in restart logic in
Application Engine programs?
Within each Application Engine program, you must define how frequently the program will issue a COMMIT. After doing so, each COMMIT becomes a "checkpoint" that Application Engine uses to locate where within a program to restart after an abend. This type of built-in logic does not exist in COBOL or SQR.
Within each Application Engine program, you must define how frequently the program will issue a COMMIT. After doing so, each COMMIT becomes a "checkpoint" that Application Engine uses to locate where within a program to restart after an abend. This type of built-in logic does not exist in COBOL or SQR.
46. What are Application Engine State
The State Record is a PeopleSoft record that must be created and maintained by the Application Engine developer. This record defines the fields a program uses to pass values from one Action to another. Think of the fields of the Application Engine State Record as comprising the working storage for the Application Engine program. An Application Engine State Record can be either a physical record or a work record, and any number of State Records can be associated with a program. Physical State Records must be keyed by process instance.
An Application Engine State Record must have PROCESS_INSTANCE defined as the first field and the only key field. And, so that the system recognizes the record as a State Record, all State Record names must end with the _AET identifier.
The State Record is a PeopleSoft record that must be created and maintained by the Application Engine developer. This record defines the fields a program uses to pass values from one Action to another. Think of the fields of the Application Engine State Record as comprising the working storage for the Application Engine program. An Application Engine State Record can be either a physical record or a work record, and any number of State Records can be associated with a program. Physical State Records must be keyed by process instance.
An Application Engine State Record must have PROCESS_INSTANCE defined as the first field and the only key field. And, so that the system recognizes the record as a State Record, all State Record names must end with the _AET identifier.
47. What is
PIA and what are its components?
It is n-tier architecture. We have client, web server, application server and Database server. We have jolt and tuxedo. We have WSL, WSH, JSL, JSH, QUEUES and services.
In database server we have system tables, PeopleTools tables and application tables.
It is n-tier architecture. We have client, web server, application server and Database server. We have jolt and tuxedo. We have WSL, WSH, JSL, JSH, QUEUES and services.
In database server we have system tables, PeopleTools tables and application tables.
48. In which
events error & warning are used most extensively.
Field edit, save edit, Search save, row delete, row insert.
Field edit, save edit, Search save, row delete, row insert.
49. Is there
any way by which you can find out whether the user is in Add mode or Update
%mode---returns A---for Add mode. Returns U –for Update mode
%mode---returns A---for Add mode. Returns U –for Update mode
50. How is
the searchinit event most often used by people soft application?
Searchinit fires before the search dialogue page is displayed to the end use. For this reason searchinit is often used to enhance row level security by inserting and graying out certain values to the search dialogue page.
Searchinit fires before the search dialogue page is displayed to the end use. For this reason searchinit is often used to enhance row level security by inserting and graying out certain values to the search dialogue page.
51. When we
select a component what events will be fired?
If default mode for component is search mode: only searchinit will fired .If default mode for component is new mode. Field default, field formula, rowinit, searchinit.
If default mode for component is search mode: only searchinit will fired .If default mode for component is new mode. Field default, field formula, rowinit, searchinit.
52. What are
different variables in people code and their Scope?
System variables and User defined variables.
Scope --- Global, Component, Local.
System variables and User defined variables.
Scope --- Global, Component, Local.
53. What is
default processing?
In default processing, any blank fields in the component are set to their default value. You can specify the default value either in the Record Field Properties, or in FieldDefault PeopleCode
In default processing, any blank fields in the component are set to their default value. You can specify the default value either in the Record Field Properties, or in FieldDefault PeopleCode
54. What is
difference between field default and Rowinit?
Field default specifies only the default value for a field when we are in Add mode.
Row init fires only when a row of data coming from database to component buffer.
Field default specifies only the default value for a field when we are in Add mode.
Row init fires only when a row of data coming from database to component buffer.
55. What is
difference between saveprechange and savepostchange? Which function directly
interacts with the database?
Saveprechange---last event that executes before updating the data from component buffer to the database.
Savepostchange –fires after the updation of data in the database.
SQLEXEC --- function directly interacts with the database.
Saveprechange---last event that executes before updating the data from component buffer to the database.
Savepostchange –fires after the updation of data in the database.
SQLEXEC --- function directly interacts with the database.
56. What is
Getlevel 0()? What is the use of %subrec and %selectall functions?
Getlevel0 () ---used the get the rowset of the level0.
%subrec--is used only in Dynamic View SQL where it expands to the columns of a subrecord:
%selectall--%SelectAll is shorthand for selecting all fields in the specified record, wrapping date/time fields with %DateOut, %TimeOut.
Getlevel0 () ---used the get the rowset of the level0.
%subrec--is used only in Dynamic View SQL where it expands to the columns of a subrecord:
%selectall--%SelectAll is shorthand for selecting all fields in the specified record, wrapping date/time fields with %DateOut, %TimeOut.
57. What is
an array in people code? What is maximum dimension of an array? Which function
inserts values into an array? What is “pop”?
An array is a collection of data storage locations, each of which holds the same type of data.
The maximum depth of a PeopleCode array is 15 dimensions.
Push and unshift are the functions of the array used to add the elements into the array one from the end of the array and one from the beginning.
Pop is a function of array used to select and delete an element from the end of the array.
An array is a collection of data storage locations, each of which holds the same type of data.
The maximum depth of a PeopleCode array is 15 dimensions.
Push and unshift are the functions of the array used to add the elements into the array one from the end of the array and one from the beginning.
Pop is a function of array used to select and delete an element from the end of the array.
58. What is
difference between Getrowset and Createrowset in people code?
Getrowset –is used to get rowset for a record in the component buffer.
Createrowset—is used to create rowset for a record which in database, and is also called a Standalone rowset
Getrowset –is used to get rowset for a record in the component buffer.
Createrowset—is used to create rowset for a record which in database, and is also called a Standalone rowset
59. Can you
save the component programmatically?
Using Dosave and Dosavenow functions.
Using Dosave and Dosavenow functions.
60. What are
differed processing and its advantages?
Postpones some user actions to reduce the number of trips to the database so that increases the performance (in system edits, field edit, and field change).
1) Reduces the network traffic.
2) Increases the performance.
Postpones some user actions to reduce the number of trips to the database so that increases the performance (in system edits, field edit, and field change).
1) Reduces the network traffic.
2) Increases the performance.
61. Write the syntax to
access third level record field using object oriented peoplecode?
&fld=Getlevel0 ()(1).GetRowset(Record..GetRow(1),
GetRowset (Record.).GetRow(1),
GetRowset (Record.).GetRow(1),
GetRecord (Record.).GetFieild(Field))
&fld=Getlevel0 ()(1).GetRowset(Record..GetRow(1),
GetRowset (Record.).GetRow(1),
GetRowset (Record.).GetRow(1),
GetRecord (Record.).GetFieild(Field))
62. What are
the built-functions used to control translate values dynamically?
Adddropdownitem ()
Deletedropdownitem ()
Adddropdownitem ()
Deletedropdownitem ()
63. Before accessing a
people soft application what levels of security must be passed through.
a) Field level security
b) Row level security
c) Maintain security
d) Definition security
e) Portal security.
a) Field level security
b) Row level security
c) Maintain security
d) Definition security
e) Portal security.
64. What is
the use of primary permission list in user profile?
Primary permission list is used for mass change and definition security purposes.
Primary permission list is used for mass change and definition security purposes.
65. How to authorize
the user to run a process or report?
To authorize a user to run a process, the process group, which contains the process or report, should be added to the permission list of that user.
To authorize a user to run a process, the process group, which contains the process or report, should be added to the permission list of that user.
66. How to
give access to the records that are to be used in a query?
To give access to the records that are to be used in query, we have create a new query security tree and add the records which we want to give the access and then assign a access group to the tree. After that we have to add that query tree and query access group to the permission list.
To give access to the records that are to be used in query, we have create a new query security tree and add the records which we want to give the access and then assign a access group to the tree. After that we have to add that query tree and query access group to the permission list.
67. What are
the rules used by the system to determine whether a user is authorized to
update an object?
The user should have the permission to update the object. This is given by the Definition security. The group, which holds the object, should be added to the permission list of the user in update mode.
The user should have the permission to update the object. This is given by the Definition security. The group, which holds the object, should be added to the permission list of the user in update mode.
68. What are the
different ways we can set up the portal security to access component in portal?
1) Structure & content
2) Menu import
3) Register component
1) Structure & content
2) Menu import
3) Register component
69. Steps involved in Data Conversion?
Extract data from the legacy system
Reconcile the extracted data
Identify the tables to be leaded with the new system
Data Mapping
Identify the tools (SQR or Import Manager or SQL Loader etc)
Write programs to perform conversion
Test the programs using test data
Check the data outline
Reconcile concerted data.
70. Why SQR is used?
Data conversion
Interface programs.
71. How do you link SQR reports to process scheduler?
Create/modify/add run control table if you have any new fields
Create/modify/add run control page if you have any program inputs
Create a menu definition (Note Menu group name: XYZ)
Give operator security
Create Process scheduler definition
Use-Process definition – process definition add
Give report name and report type
72. What are variable types in SQR?
& Data base reference fields – Read only
$ Character (Same for Date)
# Numeric
{ } Variable in ASK or # define
[$ variable] Dynamic variable referencing
73. What are the types of record definitions?
SQL Tables
SQL views
Dynamic views
Derived / Work Records
Sub Records
Query views
74. What is Dynamic View?
Dynamic view that can be used like a
view in pages and PeopleCode, but is not actually stored as a SQL view in the
database. Instead, the system uses the view text as a base for the SQL Select
that is performed at runtime. Dynamic views can provide superior performance in
some situations, such as search records and in PeopleCode Selects, because they
are optimized more efficiently than normal SQL views.
75. Table loading Sequence (installation)?
Company table
Salary Plan
Salary step
Job code
Pay group
Benefit Programs
76. What is
Application Engine?
It is the tool, which performs, background SQL processing against our application data tables. It is an alternative for COBOL, SQL or SQR
It is the tool, which performs, background SQL processing against our application data tables. It is an alternative for COBOL, SQL or SQR
77. What are
the Different types of Application Engine?
Standard: Standard entry-point program.
Upgrade Only: Used by PeopleSoft Upgrade utilities only.
Import Only: Used by PeopleSoft Import utilities only
Daemon Only: Use for daemon type programs.
Transform Only: Support for XSLT Transform programs.
Standard: Standard entry-point program.
Upgrade Only: Used by PeopleSoft Upgrade utilities only.
Import Only: Used by PeopleSoft Import utilities only
Daemon Only: Use for daemon type programs.
Transform Only: Support for XSLT Transform programs.
78. What is
the advantage of using Application Engine?
The following are the advantages of using Application Engine.
Unlike applications developed using COBOL or SQR, Application Engine applications reside completely within your database. With Application Engine, there are the programs to compile, no statements to store, and no need to directly interact with the operating environment in use. You can build, run and debug your applications without existing People Tools.
Effective Dating
Application sections are effective dated-meaning you can activate/deactivate a section as of a particular date. This enables you to archive sections as you modify them, instead of destroying them. In the future if you decide to revert to a previous incarnation of a section you can simply reactivate it.
SQL / Meta-SQL Support
In addition to writing your SQL within Application Engine, you can also copy SQL statements into Application Engine from SQL talk or any other SQL utility with few – if any changes.
RDBMS platforms have many differing syntax rules – especially in regard to date, time and other numeric calculations. For the most part you can work around this problem using Meta-SQL which Application Engine supports. This language was created to handle different RDBMS SQL syntax’s by replacing them with a standard syntax, called Meta-strings.
With in Platform specific sections
You can also have the ability to call generic portions of SQL statements by using the & CLAUSE function. This means you can write your generic SQL portions just once, and reference them from your different platform versions.
Set Processing Support
Set processing is a SQL technique used to process groups (or sets) of rows of one time rather than one at a time. Application Engine is particularly effective of processing these types of applications.
Object Orientation
unless designed to anticipate changes in field attributes. COBOL applications may need to be modified when things change. If a developer increases a field’s length, then it may need to be changed in every instance where the COBOL program uses this field as a bind or select variable. This can require a good bit of effort. And, if not handled properly, a change like this can cause confusing errors. For example, if the length of a field in the COBOL is wrong, it may work fine, or you may get an error, or the field may get truncated.
One of the corner stones of People soft functionality is Application Designer. Because of the way it works, most field attributes (type, length and scale) can be specified once, globally. If the field is used on more than one record, it has the same attributes in each of these records.
The following are the advantages of using Application Engine.
Unlike applications developed using COBOL or SQR, Application Engine applications reside completely within your database. With Application Engine, there are the programs to compile, no statements to store, and no need to directly interact with the operating environment in use. You can build, run and debug your applications without existing People Tools.
Effective Dating
Application sections are effective dated-meaning you can activate/deactivate a section as of a particular date. This enables you to archive sections as you modify them, instead of destroying them. In the future if you decide to revert to a previous incarnation of a section you can simply reactivate it.
SQL / Meta-SQL Support
In addition to writing your SQL within Application Engine, you can also copy SQL statements into Application Engine from SQL talk or any other SQL utility with few – if any changes.
RDBMS platforms have many differing syntax rules – especially in regard to date, time and other numeric calculations. For the most part you can work around this problem using Meta-SQL which Application Engine supports. This language was created to handle different RDBMS SQL syntax’s by replacing them with a standard syntax, called Meta-strings.
With in Platform specific sections
You can also have the ability to call generic portions of SQL statements by using the & CLAUSE function. This means you can write your generic SQL portions just once, and reference them from your different platform versions.
Set Processing Support
Set processing is a SQL technique used to process groups (or sets) of rows of one time rather than one at a time. Application Engine is particularly effective of processing these types of applications.
Object Orientation
unless designed to anticipate changes in field attributes. COBOL applications may need to be modified when things change. If a developer increases a field’s length, then it may need to be changed in every instance where the COBOL program uses this field as a bind or select variable. This can require a good bit of effort. And, if not handled properly, a change like this can cause confusing errors. For example, if the length of a field in the COBOL is wrong, it may work fine, or you may get an error, or the field may get truncated.
One of the corner stones of People soft functionality is Application Designer. Because of the way it works, most field attributes (type, length and scale) can be specified once, globally. If the field is used on more than one record, it has the same attributes in each of these records.
you can use Data Mover to import/export your applications. This means that you can export an application(s) into a file, and attach it to an e-mail message. Then, the recipient can simply use the IMPORT feature of Data Mover, and the application is ready to run.
you can use Data Mover to import/export your applications. This means that you can export an application(s) into a file, and attach it to an e-mail message. Then, the recipient can simply use the IMPORT feature of Data Mover, and the application is ready to run.
79. Where
are the search records assigned?
Search records are assigned to a component in a menu.
Search records are assigned to a component in a menu.
80. Does the
search record for a panel have to be the same as the record being accessed on the
panel? Why or Why not?
The search record for the panel does not have to be the same as the record being
accessed on the panel because the search record is used to search for and or
Filter the search key.
The search record for the panel does not have to be the same as the record being
accessed on the panel because the search record is used to search for and or
Filter the search key.
81. Differentiate
Error V/s Warning statements in People code?
The error statement issues a message and the condition causing the error must
be corrected before proceeding. The warning statement issues a message and
the user can proceed without changing any values.
The error statement issues a message and the condition causing the error must
be corrected before proceeding. The warning statement issues a message and
the user can proceed without changing any values.
82. Where
can you run Jobs?
The process scheduler can run jobs on the client or a server machine.
The process scheduler can run jobs on the client or a server machine.
83. What
restrictions are placed on multi-process jobs?
A multi process jobs can only be scheduled to run on a server.
A multi process jobs can only be scheduled to run on a server.
84. List the
three output destinations available through the Process Scheduler?
You can direct the output to a printer, file and windows screen.
You can direct the output to a printer, file and windows screen.
85. What
fields should be at the top of every search record definition that use table
set Ids?
SET ID is the field that should be at the top of every record definition that uses table set Ids.
SET ID is the field that should be at the top of every record definition that uses table set Ids.
86. What is
a Record Group ID?
A Record group ID is a group of record definitions that are Sharing the same set control field.
A Record group ID is a group of record definitions that are Sharing the same set control field.
87. What are
the types of layers in Crystal reports?
There are 4 types of layers in Crystal Reports. They are
1. Report Header - In this, we will write title, date, and logos of the company.
2. Page Header – Used to write column headings.
3. Detail – Contains database column values.
4. Page Footer – Used to write page numbers and address.
There are 4 types of layers in Crystal Reports. They are
1. Report Header - In this, we will write title, date, and logos of the company.
2. Page Header – Used to write column headings.
3. Detail – Contains database column values.
4. Page Footer – Used to write page numbers and address.
88. Define
security administrator?
Security administrator is used to control and access the various People soft menus.
Security administrator is used to control and access the various People soft menus.
89. How
many types of security administrator profiles? Define?
There are three types of Security administrator profiles:
1. Access Profile: It is an RDBMS ID. It provides the necessary Ids and password for behind-the-scene process.
2. Class Profile: It is defined to organize the users into groups with common access rights or privileges.
3. Operator Profile: It is commonly referred as a Operator Ids or operator having associated sign on passwords.
There are three types of Security administrator profiles:
1. Access Profile: It is an RDBMS ID. It provides the necessary Ids and password for behind-the-scene process.
2. Class Profile: It is defined to organize the users into groups with common access rights or privileges.
3. Operator Profile: It is commonly referred as a Operator Ids or operator having associated sign on passwords.
90. Define Object Security?
The Security profile which is created as an operator security to restrict access to People soft data.
The Security profile which is created as an operator security to restrict access to People soft data.
91. What is Translate Table?
A translate table is a prompt table that serves as data dictionary to store values for fields that don’t need individual prompt tables of their own.
A translate table is a prompt table that serves as data dictionary to store values for fields that don’t need individual prompt tables of their own.
92. What are the limitations of Translate table?
1. Field type should be character
2. Minimum Field length should be 1 to 4 characters.
3. Field values should be small (static).
1. Field type should be character
2. Minimum Field length should be 1 to 4 characters.
3. Field values should be small (static).
93. What is Effective Date?
Effective date is used to store history, Current and Future information.
Effective date is used to store history, Current and Future information.
94. History date Vs past Date?
Past date - Within 30 days of current date is called past date.
History date - Above 30 days of current date is called History Date.
Past date - Within 30 days of current date is called past date.
History date - Above 30 days of current date is called History Date.
95. What is a record?
A Group of non-repetitive fields is called a record.
A Group of non-repetitive fields is called a record.
96. How many types of records are there?
There are six types of records
1. SQL table - Corresponding physical SQL table in the database we create with build option.
2. SQL View – It is not a physical SQL table on the database, it gives the replicate of joined tables. It is used for security and faster access.
3. Dynamic View – It is actually stored in the form of SQL view text and is executed at runtime. It uses the built in indexes. Whereas normal view is executed and stored in the database.
4. Derived/Work record - It is a temporary workspace to be used during on line panel processing and is not stored in the database, therefore derived work records are not built. They cannot be seen in the update/display mode. Once the panel is cancelled it is removed from the buffer.
5. Sub Records – A group of fields commonly used in multiple records.
6. Query View – A Query view is a view constructed using People soft Query tool.
There are six types of records
1. SQL table - Corresponding physical SQL table in the database we create with build option.
2. SQL View – It is not a physical SQL table on the database, it gives the replicate of joined tables. It is used for security and faster access.
3. Dynamic View – It is actually stored in the form of SQL view text and is executed at runtime. It uses the built in indexes. Whereas normal view is executed and stored in the database.
4. Derived/Work record - It is a temporary workspace to be used during on line panel processing and is not stored in the database, therefore derived work records are not built. They cannot be seen in the update/display mode. Once the panel is cancelled it is removed from the buffer.
5. Sub Records – A group of fields commonly used in multiple records.
6. Query View – A Query view is a view constructed using People soft Query tool.
97. How many types of Displays are there in the tool bar?
1. Field Display - It shows the field attributes (fieldname, Type, Len, Format, H, and Shortname, Long name
2. Use Display - It shows key related characteristics and default values for the fields
(Field name, type, direction indicates, search key, list, system indicates, audit, H, default values)
3. Edit Display - It shows the auditing options available for the fields (field name, type required , edit, prompt table, reasonable date, people code)
4. People code display - It shows the different events and the user can choose required event to write people code.
1. Field Display - It shows the field attributes (fieldname, Type, Len, Format, H, and Shortname, Long name
2. Use Display - It shows key related characteristics and default values for the fields
(Field name, type, direction indicates, search key, list, system indicates, audit, H, default values)
3. Edit Display - It shows the auditing options available for the fields (field name, type required , edit, prompt table, reasonable date, people code)
4. People code display - It shows the different events and the user can choose required event to write people code.
98. What is application engine program?
PeopleSoft Application Engine program is a set of SQL statements,
PeopleCode, and program control actions that enable looping and conditional
99. Define
People Tools?
A Collection of software programs, utility scripts, database tables and data that provide the frame work for creating, using and modifying people soft applications. People tools provide built in business functionality and maintain the capability that directly increase productivity and simplify system design.
A Collection of software programs, utility scripts, database tables and data that provide the frame work for creating, using and modifying people soft applications. People tools provide built in business functionality and maintain the capability that directly increase productivity and simplify system design.
What does Application Designer mean?
It is an integrated development environment that is used to develop People soft applications
It is an integrated development environment that is used to develop People soft applications
Functionality of Application Designer?
The following are the uses of Application Designer.
The following are the uses of Application Designer.
1. Design
and create database tables.
2. Design on-line pages
3. Controlling on-line processing flow.
4. Providing security for the database.
What is a project?
User defined collection of related definitions (fields, records, pages, components and menus).
User defined collection of related definitions (fields, records, pages, components and menus).
What are the physicals attributes Applications
designer screen?
The following are the attributes of Application Designer
1. Title bar
2. Menus
3. Toolbar
4. Project Workspace – it arranges PeopleSoft objects in Windows explorer format
5. Objects Workspace – Open Multiple Object and store in main window.
6. Output Window – Deals about the output generated by using project development or up gradation.
7. View tabs – Development tools / Upgrade
The following are the attributes of Application Designer
1. Title bar
2. Menus
3. Toolbar
4. Project Workspace – it arranges PeopleSoft objects in Windows explorer format
5. Objects Workspace – Open Multiple Object and store in main window.
6. Output Window – Deals about the output generated by using project development or up gradation.
7. View tabs – Development tools / Upgrade
How is data stored, retrieved, manipulated and
processed in People soft applications?
PeopleSoft is a table-based system and it contains three major sets of tables,
1. System catalog tables; it stores physical attributes of tables and views. (e.g. Sys, Columns, Sys tables)
2. People Tools tables; it contains information that you define using People Tools (e.g.
3. Application Data Tables; Store the actual data users enter and access through People Soft application windows and pages. (E.g. PS_ <>)
PeopleSoft is a table-based system and it contains three major sets of tables,
1. System catalog tables; it stores physical attributes of tables and views. (e.g. Sys, Columns, Sys tables)
2. People Tools tables; it contains information that you define using People Tools (e.g.
3. Application Data Tables; Store the actual data users enter and access through People Soft application windows and pages. (E.g. PS_ <>)
How many types of RDBMS support PeopleSoft?
The following are the list of RDBMS supporting PeopleSoft application.
DB2, SQL Base, Oracle, Microsoft SQI Server, Informix
The following are the list of RDBMS supporting PeopleSoft application.
DB2, SQL Base, Oracle, Microsoft SQI Server, Informix
Define a Field, Field attributes, and Field
are basic building blocks in People soft and can be used in application when
they are added to at least one record. Fields are globally defined.
common filed attributes are:
1. Data type 2. Field name 3. Long name 4. Short name 5. Formatting 6. Help context number 7. Translate values – stored in separate table (XLATTABLE).
1. Data type 2. Field name 3. Long name 4. Short name 5. Formatting 6. Help context number 7. Translate values – stored in separate table (XLATTABLE).
1.Globally defined
2.Reusable components and can be shared across multiple record definitions
3.A change to the Field properties affects all the records that include the field.
1.Globally defined
2.Reusable components and can be shared across multiple record definitions
3.A change to the Field properties affects all the records that include the field.
Explain briefly about record properties?
The record knows a field, which
uniquely identifies each row, as a key.
1. We will search and retrieve data from the database according to the key field.
2. This will not allow duplicate and null values.
3. It is a primary key
4. It allows multiple keys
5. Maximum keys allowed in a record is 15
6. It should be placed at the top of the record definition.
Duplicate Order Key:
1. It provides a way of ordering data in the table when the duplicate values are allowed.
2. It will create index for the column. However the index can be disabled.
Alternate Search key:
1. it identifies the field as a key that provides an alternative path into table data.
2. Due to alternate search key the system becomes slow, because database index will be created when SQL creates the tables, so it will consume the disk space.
3. It allows duplicate values.
4. Alternate search will be seen in the search dialog box when update/display mode is selected.
Descending order key:
It is used to retrieve data in the form of 3-2-1 or C-B-A and normally it is
used in Effective date.
1. We will search and retrieve data from the database according to the key field.
2. This will not allow duplicate and null values.
3. It is a primary key
4. It allows multiple keys
5. Maximum keys allowed in a record is 15
6. It should be placed at the top of the record definition.
Duplicate Order Key:
1. It provides a way of ordering data in the table when the duplicate values are allowed.
2. It will create index for the column. However the index can be disabled.
Alternate Search key:
1. it identifies the field as a key that provides an alternative path into table data.
2. Due to alternate search key the system becomes slow, because database index will be created when SQL creates the tables, so it will consume the disk space.
3. It allows duplicate values.
4. Alternate search will be seen in the search dialog box when update/display mode is selected.
Descending order key:
It is used to retrieve data in the form of 3-2-1 or C-B-A and normally it is
used in Effective date.
How many types of securities are available in
People soft?
There are 6 types of securities:
1. RDBMS Security 2. Network security 3.Operator security 4. Object security 5.Tree level security 6. Query security (row level security)
There are 6 types of securities:
1. RDBMS Security 2. Network security 3.Operator security 4. Object security 5.Tree level security 6. Query security (row level security)
Types of Menus?
1. Standard
menu: It appears in the menu
bar of a PeopleSoft application.
2. Popup menu: Allows the user to navigate related information in other areas of application by right clicking on a page or component.
2. Popup menu: Allows the user to navigate related information in other areas of application by right clicking on a page or component.
What is the difference between Key and
alternate search Key?
KEY-It is the primary key of the record. Can be used as
search key or need not be. Alternate search key-it is used for searching
Which effective dated rows can be
retrieved in update/display mode, update/display all and correction mode?
Update/display – can view current and future rows. Can
update only future rows.
Update/display all – can view history, current and
future rows. Can update only future rows.
Correction – can view and update history, current and
future rows.
What types of audits are supported by
people soft? In case of record level audit what is the structure of table?
We have field level audit and record level audit. The
structure of the table in record level audit is: AUDIT_OPRID, AUDIT_STAMP,
AUDIT_ACTN, AUDIT_RECNAME and can add fields from record.
What are Table Edits?
We have prompt table edit, yes/no table
edit, translate table edit as the table edits.
conditions are required to establish parent child relationship between two
records? What are the advantages with that?
Conditions are:
1) The child record should have all the key fields of
parent record and at least one more key field other than the key fields of
parent record.
2) We should mention the
parent record in the record properties of child record.
3) We cannot go for more
than three levels of parent/child relationships.
Advantages are:
1) To have referential
2) Data dependencies
3) Eliminate redundant data
Can you place
Sub page into Grid? If yes How?
Yes we can insert subpage using insert subpage. After
insert subpage into main page, drag the subpage into the grid. When we save the
page we are successfully able to save the page showing that we can insert a
subpage into a grid.
you hide a primary page in a component? Reason?
No we cannot hide the primary page of a component. If
the component had only one page then by making this page also invisible we
won’t have any component existing so we are not allowed to hide the primary
What is an Expert Entry?
Expert entry enables a user to change from interactive
to deferred mode at runtime for appropriate transactions
What is Auto Update?
This record field property is used to update the date
field of particular record with the server's current date and time whenever a
user creates or updates a row. Even the user enter the data into that field,
the data which the user enters will be updated by the system’s current date and
What is Record Group? Which records
can be included into a record group?
Record group consists of records with similar
functionality. To setup a record in record group we should enter a set control
field value in record properties
can you improve the security and usability of a Prompt table edit.?
Prompt table view
are the different ways to setup row level security?
We can setup row-level security using a SQL view that
joins the data table with an authorization table. And by having Query search
for data using a query security record definition. The query security record
definition adds a security check to the search.
How does PeopleSoft use views? Which
are online functions?
soft uses views for search records, summary pages, prompt views, reports Search
records and summary pages are online functions.
Why do PeopleSoft often use views as
search records?
Search views are used for three main
Adding criteria to the search dialogue page
Providing row level security
Implementing search page processing
How can a component have more than one
search record? Give a situation.
You might want to
reuse the same component multiple times with different search records. You can
accomplish this by overriding the component search record at runtime when the
component is opened from a menu item without creating separate copies of the
component. The component override is temporary, and occurs only when the
component is opened from the menu item in which the override is set. It does
not change the component definition.
What is PIA and what are
its components?
It is n-tier architecture. We have client,
web server, application server and Database server. We have jolt and tuxedo. We
have WSL, WSH, JSL, JSH, QUEUES and services.
In database server we have system tables,
peopletools tables and application tables.
Differentiate Field edit and Save edit?
In Field edit for each field change, a transition to
the application server to the database is taken place.
In Saveedit for all the fields , only one transition to
the application server to the Database is taken place.
What are think time functions?
Think-time functions suspend processing either until
the user has taken some action (such as clicking a button in a message box), or
until an external process has run to completion.
In which events error & warning
are used most extensively.
Field edit, Save edit, Search save, row delete, row
Is there any way by which you can
find out whether the user is in Add mode or Update mode?
%mode---returns A---for Add mode.
Returns U –for Update mode
How is the searchinit event most often
used by people soft application?
Searchinit fires before the search dialogue
page is displayed to the end user. For this reason searchinit is often used to
enhance roll level security by inserting and graying out certain values to the
search dialogue page.
What are the options for using SQL in people
Record class methods (selectbykey, delete, insert,
Using Sql class, its properties and methods
What data buffer classes are available in people code?
Rowset, Row, Record, Field, Array, File, Sql, chart,
grid and so on
When we select a component what events
will be fired?
If default mode for component is search mode: only
searchinit will fired .If default mode for component is new mode: field
default, field formula, rowinit, searchinit.
are different variables in people code and their Scope?
System variables and User
defined variables.
Scope ---Global,
Component, Local.
is default processing?
In default processing, any blank fields in the
component are set to their default value. You can
specify the default value either in the Record Field Properties, or in
FieldDefault PeopleCode
What is difference between field
default and Rowinit?
Field default specifies
only the default value for a field when we are in Add mode.
Row init fires only when a
row of data coming from database to component buffer
What is difference between
saveprechange and savepostchange? Which function directly interacts with the
event that executes before updating the data from component buffer to the
Savepostchange –fires after the updation of
data in the database.
SQLEXEC --- function directly interacts
with the database.
is Getlevel0()? What is the use of %subrec and %selectall functions?
Getlevel0()---used the get the rowset of
the level0.
used only in Dynamic View SQL where it expands to the columns of a subrecord:
is shorthand for selecting all fields in the specified record, wrapping
date/time fields with %DateOut, %TimeOut.
What is an array in people code? What
is maximum dimension of an array? Which function inserts values into an array?
What is “pop”?
An array is a collection of data storage locations,
each of which holds the same type of data.
The maximum depth of a PeopleCode array is 15
Push and unshift are the functions of the array used to
add the elements into the array one from the end of the array and one from the
Pop is a function of array used to select and delete an
element from the end of the array.
is difference between Getrowset and Createrowset in people code?
Getrowset –is used to get rowset for a
record in the component buffer.
Createrowset—is used to create rowset for a record
which in database, and is also called a Standalone
you save the component programmatically?
Using Dosave and Dosavenow functions
What is differed processing and its
Postpones some user actions to reduce the number of
trips to the database so that increases the performance (in system edits, field
edit, and field change)
Reduces the network traffic
Increases the performance
Write the syntax to access third level
record field using object oriented peoplecode?
GetRowset(Record.<level3 record>).GetRow(1),
record>).GetFieild(Field.<field name>))
What are the built-functions used to
control translate values dynamically?
How to populate data into grid in
&Rs.Select() Scrollselect()
Before accessing a people soft
application what levels of security must be passed through.
Field level security, Row level security, Maintain
security, definition security, Portal security
What is the use of primary
permission list in user profile?
Primary permission list is used for mass
change and definition security purposes.
How to authorize the user to run a
process or report?
To authorize a user to run a process, the process
group, which contains the process or report, should be added to the permission
list of that user.
What are the rules used by the system
to determine whether a user is authorized to update an object?
The user should have the permission to update the
object. This is given by the Definition security. The group, which holds the
object, should be added to the permission list of the user in update mode.
What are the different ways we can set
up the portal security to access component in portal?
Structure & content
Menu import
Register component
are the main elements in the component Interface?
Component interface name
Properties and collections
between Get keys, find keys and Create Keys ?
keys: - These are mapped to the fields marked as scrh in the component’s search
record. Automatically “Search key” fields in search record become Get keys.
cannot change it.
keys: - These are mapped to fields marked as Alt or Srch in the component
search record. You may remove Find keys that you do not wish to make available
for searching.
Keys: - It is generated from the key fields for the search record. If Add
search record is present then its key fields are taken. We cannot change it.
How do
you provide security for the component interface?
- Open the Permission list
- On the Component Interface tab
- Add row and select the newly created Component Interface
- Edit the permissions to give permission for the standard methods
- Get, Create, Save, cancel, find.
What the steps that
you need to do in people code to invoke Component Interface?
- Establish a user section
- Get the component interface definition
- Populate the create keys
- Create an instance of the component interface
- Populate the required fields
- Save the component Interface.
&Session = GetSession();
&CI =
If not &CI.Create () Then
Populate other fields
Populate the other fields
If not &CI.Save () Then
do you test Component Interface?
- Using the Component Interface tester
- Give values in the tester for options
- Get Existing, Create new, Find and perform the operation from the CI Tester
Catching error
message in the component Interface? Or Use of PSMessages in
the CI ?
This function needs to be called when ever methods like Find, Save, Create
methods return false.
Error text and Error type can be printed in the log message for any other
action in to the log message.
Function CheckErrorCodes()
&PSMessages =
&ErrorCount = &PSMessages.Count;
&i = 1 To &ErrorCount
&ErrorText = &PSMessages.Item(&i).Text;
&ErrorType = &PSMessages.Item(&i).Type;
is method? What are the different types of method?
- A method is an object that performs a very specific function on a component
interface at run-time.
methods and user-defined methods.
methods: - Automatically generated upon the creation of a new
component Interface in Application.
from the Standard methods there are Standard methods available for the use with
any collection.
methods: - User-defined methods are those that you can create
to meet the requirements of an individual component interface.
are properties?
The Fields in the level 0 in the component are the properties of the
Developer can further control the exposed Getkeyinfocollection field properties.
Info collection
(Update/Display mode or Correction mode)
How do
you login in correction mode in the Component Interface?
Get History Items and Edit History items property to should be set to true.
Get History Items alone: - Update display all - modes will be used.
is an example of how to grab the most recent/correct row from an effective
dated/effective sequenced table such as PS_JOB
A.EMPLID = '12345'
Types of Tables in PeopleSoft?
tables, Control tables, Views, Reporting Tables and Application data tables
A base table is the place where nearly every query starts. These tables
store information about an employee and contain data about the employee. A base
table stores live data that is continually changing. The table could store
information about employees, their dependents, their earnings, taxes,
deductions or benefits. In short, these tables hold the real data.
A control table contains values that classify and categorize. For example,
a table that contains all of the possible earnings codes (regular, bonus,
overtime, etc.) is a control table, whereas the table that contains the actual
earning amounts is a base table. Control tables are also commonly known as
‘lookup’ or ‘prompt’ tables. Control tables are usually identified by suffix of
Views are timesavers; they are the result set of an SQL statement.
For example, the benefits view table takes fields from several tables, links
them together correctly, and presents the result as a new table. Views link to
original tables (base or control), so no data is duplicated or out of sync.
Views are usually identified by a suffix of ‘_VW’.
Reporting Tables: In an attempt to
appease those toiling away, searching for the location of basic employee data, PeopleSoft created
three tables that contain the most-often-used human resources fields. These tables are similar to views, but
are not dynamic. Their data is
only current after a program is executed every night. Their chief benefit is performance. Instead of
joining 10 tables every time you look something up, the tables are joined once at night and then used throughout
the next day as a single table.
Application Tables: The
PeopleSoft application stores application rules and definitions in application
Tables. Occasionally these tables temporarily store data in the middle of a
process. With few exceptions, these tables store data that is not relevant to
the organization. Most of these tables are not discussed in this book since
they contain application data, not HR data. System tables often do not include
an underscore after the ‘PS’ prefix
When working with PeopleSoft system tables, what are setup considerations
that you need to make?
Sequence of table setup
Default values
Effective dates
The system categorizes effective-dated rows into three basic
Effective dates allow you to keep history,
current, and future information in tables. When you update existing
information, you do not want to lose or overwrite the data already stored in
the database. To retain historical data, you can add a new data row identified
by the date when the information goes into effect: an effective date. An effective
date is a column in a table that is a key, but it is not typically a search
Future: row greater than
current row
Current: row less than or
equal to sysdate
History: less than current row
The action you select tells PeopleSoft the type of activity you
want to perform on the database. The following four action types are available:
Add : add new row/value
Include History
Correct History
What are Setid’s and
Table set sharing?
Setid is the highest level key in the PeopleSoft.
Department and Jobcode tables are control tables and setid’s control the
control tables during the transaction.
Table set sharing is a place where control tables are listed. It is accessed by
business unit.
EX: If
we have two locations Arizona and Ohio with setid’s xyz and abc, suppose if we
change Ohio’s setid to xyz then we can access all information related to
Arizona/xyz like jobcodes etc.
application data table types?
Translate Tables
These values
are between one and four characters long
They do no
need to be updated often
They are
effective dated
Implementation Processing and Defaulting
Installation Table
Organization defaults by Permission lists
Business unit HR defaults table
Table set control table
Control tables: These tables serve as foundation for the
Company Table
Business Unit Table
Location Table
Compensation Rate Code Table
Job Code Table
Table SetId (SetId table)
Establishment Table
Department Table
Salary plan, Grade and Step Table
Pay group Table
Transaction tables: Records change often in these tables
Personal Information
Employment table
Job table
Benefits program participation tables
Sequence of table
setup in HR?
Installation Table
Company Table
Table SetId (SetId table)
Business Unit Table
Tableset Control Table
Organization defaults by Permission lists
Business unit HR defaults table
Establishment Tables
Location Table
Department Table
Compensation Rate Code Table
Salary plan, Grade and Step Table
Job Code Table
Pay group Table
What are Metastrings or MetaSQL?
are special type of SQL expressions preceded by % sign.
are used in the following:
In application designer to build dynamic views
With rowset object methods (select, fill)
SQL objects
Record class methods (Insert, Update)
Application Engine
What are classes in
A class is the formal definition of an
object and acts as a template from which an instance of an object is created at
runtime. The class defines the properties of the object and the methods used to
control the object’s behavior.
PeopleSoft delivers
predefined classes (such as Array, File, Field, SQL, and so on). You can create
your own classes using the Application class. You can also extend the
functionality of the existing classes using the Application class.
What are Objects in
An object represents a unique instance
of a data structure defined by the template provided by its class.
Each object has its
own values for the variables belonging to its class and responds to methods
defined by that class. This is the same for classes provided by PeopleSoft and
for classes you create yourself.
A property is
an attribute of an object. Properties define:
Object characteristics, such as name or value.
The state of an object, such as deleted or changed.
Define SQR and steps
for performance tuning?
SQR stands for
Structured Query report.
SQR performs database
processing and used as reporting tool.
When program contains
begin-sql, begin-select or execute commands, it performs sql statements,
processing of sql statements consumes significant computing resources hence
tuning sql statements yields higher performance.
Following are the
steps for simplifying sql statements and reducing number of sql executions:
Simplify a complex select paragraph.
Use LOAD-LOOKUP to simplify joins.
Improve SQL performance
with dynamic SQL.
Examine SQL cursor status.
Avoid temporary database tables.
Create multiple reports in
one pass.
Tune SQR numerics.
Compile SQR programs and use SQR Execute.
Set processing limits.
Buffer fetched rows.
Run programs on the
database server.
Structure of SQR?
Begin-Report or Begin-Program
Commands that can be
called from setup section?
How to run SQR in
To call SQR from
peoplecode we use peoplecode functions CreateProcessRequest() and Schedule()
Important Tables in
About events in
Record fields have 15
events, Components have 2 events and Page has 1 event.
Security Tree A security structure that graphically represents the hierarchy of your
Tree Level Represents a logical division in your business hierarchy (ex: department,
branch or region).
Tree Node Represents an organizational entity on the tree.
Tree Manager A PeopleSoft tool that provides a visual means to build a hierarchy of
security for all organizational entities.
Query Trees Graphical representation of Tables to which you wish to
control query access.
Access Groups Nodes in Query Trees where you would group Operators and
assign them access to all tables under the node.
User Profiles: A User Profile describes a particular user of the PeopleSoft
system. User Profiles define individual PeopleSoft users. You define User
Profiles and then link them to one or more Roles. Typically, a User Profile
must be linked to at least one Role in order to be a valid profile. User
Profiles maintain the Roles that are assigned to the user.
Roles are assigned to User Profiles. Roles are intermediate
objects that link User Profiles to Permission Lists. Multiple Roles can be
assigned to a User Profile, and you can assign multiple Permission Lists to a Role.
Some examples of Roles might be Employee, Manager, Customer, and so on.
Permission Lists are lists, or groups, of authorizations that you assign to
Roles. Permission Lists store Sign-on times, Page access, PeopleTools access,
and so on.
A Permission List may contain one or more types of
permissions. The more types of permissions in Permission List the more modular
and scalable your implementation.
A User Profile inherits most of its permissions through the roles that have been
assigned to the User Profile.
Data permissions, or row-level security, appear either
through a Primary Permissions List or a Row Security Permissions list
security controls access to the subset of data
rows within tables the user is authorized to read or update. The decision to
implement row-level security will be based on the need to provide that level of
data security. To establish row-level security, you must first decide the
necessary data security level required, which key fields to secure, and whether
security will be defined through User IDs or Permission Lists. With row-level
support, PeopleSoft security can restrict individual users or Permission Lists
from specific rows of data that are controlled by key fields, for example:
Business unit
Set ID
Ledger (and ledger group)
Therefore, users would only be able to view those rows for
which they have security access for a specified Business Unit or Project, for
example. Once row-level security is turned on in for a particular PeopleSoft
module, it applies to all applications within that module, not specific
applications. Additionally, a method for implementing row-level security can be
by User ID. Key fields can be associated to User IDs as well as Projects.
Projects will also perform row-level security by User ID through the Use List.
This sets up Projects to implement row-level security in a team-based method.
PeopleSoft security mainly depends on Rowlevel security.
works best if it is based on organizational structure.
Types of
security supplied by PeopleSoft:
Departmental security
No security
International security
Tree Manager:
3 steps in setting up department security:
Create the security tree
Update department security tree
Grant and restrict access to the entities
What are steps
involved in new employee hire process?
Personal Information: Name, Address, Identity
Job Data: Work Location, Job Information, Payroll, Salary Plan,
Employment Data: Employment Information
Earnings Distribution: Job earning distribution
Benefit Programs Participation: enrollment of benefit programs
How many sub pages, secondary pages can be created in
one level?
can create only one Secondary Page. But where as we can create N no of Sub Page
in one Level
What is Integration
Integration Broker is a messaging hub, that allows for data to be shared
between different systems (e.g. PeopleSoft HRMS to Payroll [can be PeopleSoft
or third party], HRMS to Finance, HRMS to CRM, etc.).
Types of tools in
Development Tools:
Technology and Portal Technology
Integration Tools:
Integration Broker
Component Interfaces
Workflow Technology
Analytic Tools:
PeopleSoft Process Scheduler
XML Publisher
PS n/Vision
Crystal Reports
PeopleSoft Query
Tree Manger
Administration Tools:
Data Management
Security Administration
System and Server Administration
Performance Monitor
LifeCycle Management:
PeopleSoft Software Update
Change Impact Analyzer
PeopleSoft Setup Manager
Explain about Data
Data Mover is a stand-alone two-tier program, which you can run through a
graphical interface on Microsoft Windows, or a with a command line interface on
either Microsoft Windows or UNIX systems.
Data Mover enables you to perform the following tasks:
application data between PeopleSoft databases.
PeopleSoft databases across operating systems and database platforms.
Structured Query Language (SQL) statements against any PeopleSoft database,
regardless of the underlying operating system or database platform.
data in a platform independent manner.
database security and access.
edit, and run scripts which combine SQL commands and PeopleSoft Data Mover
commands for exporting and importing data.
What are Data Mover
operating modes?
Regular Mode: Using PeopleSoft
User Id
Bootstrap Mode: Using Database
access Id
Commands in Data
ENCRYPT_PASSWORD: Encrypt one or all
user passwords (operator and access) defined in PSOPRDEFN for users.
EXPORT: Select record
information and data from records and store the result set in a file. You can
use the generated export file as input for migrating to another platform.
IMPORT: Insert data into
tables using the information in an export file. If a tablespace or table does
not exist, this command creates tablespace, table, and indexes for the record,
using the information in the export file, and inserts the data.
For Remarks
a PeopleSoft record, a field in one record, or a field in all records.
is a variation of the IMPORT command. If a table already exists, use this
command to drop the table and its indexes from the database and create the
table and indexes using the information in the export file. Then, the command
inserts data into the table using the information in the export file.
is a variation of the IMPORT command. Delete data in existing tables and insert
the corresponding data from the export file.
specified views found in the database.
a specified .DMS file from within a PeopleSoft Data Mover script. The file
cannot contain nested RUN commands.
a command is followed by valid SET parameters, it forms a statement that
establishes the conditions under which PeopleSoft Data Mover runs the
PeopleSoft Data Mover and SQL commands that follow.
SET IGNORE_ERRORS: If this command is
set, then all errors produced by the SWAP_BASE_LANGUAGE command are ignored.
Otherwise, the system stops on errors.
Sample data mover
output c:\temp\position_data.dat;
set log c:\temp\position_logfile.txt;
export position_data where location in ('11490', '11730','11804','11720') and position_nbr not in ('00002025','00002026','00002027','00002029','00002030','00002031','00002032');
set input c:\temp\position_data.dat;
set log c:\temp\position_inputlogfile.txt;
import *;
set log c:\temp\position_logfile.txt;
export position_data where location in ('11490', '11730','11804','11720') and position_nbr not in ('00002025','00002026','00002027','00002029','00002030','00002031','00002032');
set input c:\temp\position_data.dat;
set log c:\temp\position_inputlogfile.txt;
import *;
Ensuring Data
may want to use these tools during upgrades and system customizations, to
verify the PeopleSoft system and check how it compares to the actual SQL
Run SQL Alter: The primary purpose
of the PeopleSoft Application Designer SQL Alter function is to bring SQL
tables into accordance with PeopleTools record definitions.
Run DDDAudit: The Database Audit
Report (DDDAUDIT) finds inconsistencies between PeopleTools record and index
definitions and the database objects. This audit consists of nine queries: four
on tables, two on views, and three on indexes.
Run SYSAUDIT: The System Audit
(SYSAUDIT) identifies orphaned PeopleSoft objects and other inconsistencies
within the system. An example of an orphaned object is a module of PeopleCode
that exists, but which does not relate to any other objects in the system.
Database level
provides trigger-based auditing functionality as an alternative to the
record-based auditing that PeopleSoft Application Designer provides. This level
of auditing is not only for maintaining the integrity of the data, but it is
also a heightened security measure. PeopleSoft
information that a trigger records could include the user that made a change,
the type of change that is made, when the change is made, and so on.
Integration Broker?
Integration Broker facilitates synchronous and asynchronous messaging with
other PeopleSoft applications and with third-party systems. PeopleSoft
Integration Broker uses a variety of communication protocols, while managing
message structure, message content, and transport disparities.
The two major components of
PeopleSoft Integration Broker are the integration gateway and the integration
integration gateway
is a platform that manages the receipt and delivery of messages passed among
systems through PeopleSoft Integration Broker.
integration engine is an application server process that routes messages to
and from PeopleSoft applications as well as transforms the structure of
messages and translates data according to specifications that you define.
Upgrade Assistant?
use PeopleSoft Upgrade Assistant, you run a process using an upgrade job and
upgrade template.
The upgrade job is a set of
filtered steps that are specific to your upgrade and relevant only to the
release, platform, and products you are using.
For PeopleSoft
supported upgrades,
PeopleSoft provides predefined upgrade templates on Customer Connection. These
templates comprise the steps necessary to complete an upgrade for a supported
upgrade path. Depending on your configuration.
Editing Templates:
Add steps:
You may need to add custom steps to the template—for example, steps for
dropping and adding indexes or running a backup of the target database.
steps: You can modify the delivered settings by changing the step
properties. Setting these properties determines the conditions that apply when
you run the upgrade process.
chapters, tasks, or steps.
chapters, tasks, or steps.
Creating Templates:
Creating Custom templates: You can create a
custom template for your upgrade. When you create a custom template, you also
insert chapters, tasks, and steps. In addition, you specify step properties.
Creating Chapters: You can add a
chapter to a new or existing upgrade template. A chapter is a section heading
for a group of tasks.
Creating Tasks: You can add a task
to a new or existing upgrade template. A task is a section heading for a group
of steps.
Creating Steps: You can add a step
to a new or existing upgrade template. A step can be any process needed to
perform the upgrade.
PeopleSoft Upgrade Assistant uses the PROCESSREQUEST component interface
object to submit jobs to run on the PeopleSoft Process Scheduler server. You
must configure your environment for PeopleSoft Upgrade Assistant to submit
Define Workflow?
enables to efficiently automate flow of time-consuming
business processes and deliver the right information to the right people at the
right time throughout enterprise. You can merge the activities of multiple
users into flexible business processes to increase efficiency, cut costs, and
keep up with rapidly changing customer and competitive challenges.
example, when you order supplies, you are really initiating an approval
process: someone else reviews the order and either approves or denies it. If
the order is approved, a purchase order is sent to the vendor. If it is denied,
notification is sent back to the person who submitted the original order. The
term workflow refers to this larger process.
Steps involved
in Workflow?
Designing a
Workflow Application
and document business requirements.
the process flow.
the workflow object attributes for business processes, activities, steps,
events, and email and worklist routings.
Build Supporting
Create Workflow
the workflow maps comprising the steps, activities, and business processes
required for your workflow as determined in step one.
Define Roles and
Role Users
the roles and the role users, including any Query roles, required for your
Define Worklist
a record definition that will be used to store all of the application-specific
information for the worklist.
Define the Workflow
is the step in which you define the workflow application. You enter each of the
objects onto a business process definition in Application Designer as
determined in step one.
Define Event
the business rule in PeopleCode on the triggering application record
definition. Workflow programs are defined on a record definition for one of the
tables that the component accesses. They contain the business rules used to
decide whether to trigger the business event. The PeopleCode detects when a
business rule has been triggered and determines the appropriate action.
your workflow, or use the workflow monitoring tools in Workflow Administrator
to validate worklist routing results.
Rules, Roles,
Rules determine which
activities are required to process your business data. For example, you might
implement a rule that says department managers must approve all requests for
external classes. You implement rules through workflow events, such as
PeopleCode that evaluates a condition and triggers a notification (a routing)
when appropriate.
Roles describe how
people fit into the workflow. A role is a class of users who perform the same
type of work, such as clerks or managers. Your business rules typically specify
which roles do which activities. For example, a rule can say that department
managers (a role) must approve external course requests EX: User list roles,
Query Roles.
Routings specify where the
information goes and what form it takes: email message or worklist entry.
Routings make it possible to deploy applications throughout the enterprise.
They work through the levels and departments of an enterprise to bring together
all of the roles that are necessary to complete complex tasks.
Events, Workflow
Peoplecode, Approvals
Events are conditions
that have associated routings. Define the condition in PeopleCode, which is
attached to the record definition underlying a step in a step map. When a user
saves the page, completing the step, the system runs the PeopleCode program to
test the condition. If the condition is met, the system performs the routings.
trigger a business event from a page, you add a PeopleCode program to the workflow event in the record definition
for one of the tables to which the page writes.
Approval processes are a
common form of business process. The approval steps that you place on the
approval rule set map represent the approval levels that are required for the
North American
for North America provides the tools to calculate earnings, taxes, and
deductions efficiently, maintain balances, and report payroll data.
for North America supports the following business processes:
Set Up and Maintain
Core Payroll Tables: Core
payroll tables are the tables that are required to implement the Payroll for
North America application, including organization tables, compensation and
earnings tables, deduction tables, pay calendar tables, garnishment tables,
vendor tables, general ledger interface, tax tables, retroactive processing,
and tip allocation.
Set Up and Maintain
Employee Pay Data: Employee
pay data includes personal data, job data, benefits data, federal,
state/provincial, and local tax information, general and benefit deductions,
additional pay, garnishments, savings bonds, and direct deposits.
Process the Payroll:
steps of payroll processing are: create paysheets, pay calculation, pay
confirmation, and generate checks and direct deposits. You can employ audit reports
and data review pages to verify and correct the results of each step before
moving on. You can also review and adjust employee balances.
Post to General
Ledger: Use
the integration with PeopleSoft Enterprise General Ledger and EnterpriseOne
General Ledger to transfer the expenses and liabilities incurred from a pay run
to the General Ledger application.
Pay Taxes: Use the integration
with PeopleSoft Enterprise Payables to transmit tax data to the Payables
application for automatic payment to tax authorities.
Pay Third Parties: Use the integration
with Payables to transmit employee and employer deductions such as garnishments
and benefit deductions to the Payables application for automatic payment to
third parties.
Produce Reports Payroll for North
America provides dozens of reports to help you monitor payroll processing and
comply with regulatory and tax reporting requirements. You can view reports
online or print hard copies. You can also tailor the reports to fit the special
needs of your organization.
What are six steps of payroll processing?
Setting up tables
Setting up employees
Pay calculations
Pay confirmation
Print reports, checks, advices
Define the Deduction table?
Defines how the deduction will be
Identifies tax classification (for example,
before- or after-tax deductions).
Indicates whether arrears are allowed.
Indicates whether partial deductions are allowed.
Indicates when the deduction is withheld.
define how you want the system to process a deduction, follow these four
general steps:
- Use the Deduction Table component (DEDUCTION_TABLE) to select a plan type, enter a deduction code, and specify the deduction processing rules, including the priority of the deduction, how the deduction affects taxes, related general ledger account codes, and other special payroll process indicators, such as how arrears should be handled.
- Use the General Deduction Table component (GENL_DEDUCTION_TBL) to define the rules for the actual calculation of general deductions such as parking or union dues.
- Use the Company General Deductions component (GDED_COM_TBL) to build a general deduction plan using the general deductions you have set up.
- Use the Benefit Program Table component (BEN_PROG_DEFN) to define the rules for the actual calculation of benefit deductions such as health plans and dental plans.
General Questions on
Paysheets: Before you run
payroll calculations, you must create paysheets. Paysheets contain the data
required to calculate employee pay for each pay period.
Paycalculation: pay calculation is
an iterative process. You can run and rerun calculations repeatedly until
you’re confident that the payroll data is correct. Here are the basic steps:
employee payroll information, create paysheets, and make updates and
adjustments for the pay period.
the Pay Calculation COBOL SQL process (PSPPYRUN).
calculation results and check for errors.
Check payroll error messages online or
print the Payroll Error Messages report (PAY011).
View the results of paycheck earnings,
deductions, and taxes using the Paycheck pages and various standard reports
that you can print to verify the results of the pay calculation.
adjustments on the paysheets.
these steps until you're confident that the payroll data is correct, and then
confirm pay.
Payconfirmation: After you verify
that the payroll calculation is correct and you run the Pay Calculation COBOL
SQL process (PSPPYRUN) in final mode, you can run the Pay Confirmation process.
Pay confirmation is the final step in running your payroll. Running the Pay
Confirmation process indicates that you’ve reviewed and approved all payroll
information for this pay run, and that you’re ready to produce paychecks.
Time and Labor?
facilitates the management, planning, reporting, and approving of time, and
calendar and schedule creation and usage, from one global web-based
application, With this application, you can:
Time and
Labor provides these business processes:
employee groups.
compensatory time off.
reported time.
task data.
payable time.
payable time.
rules for processing time.
and dilute labor costs.
mapping is the process of integrating data by a method of mapping data between
two distinct data models. Data mapping also refers to consolidation of multiple
databases into a single data base, thereby eliminating redundant data columns
in the consolidation process.
Performing Data Conversion During PeopleSoft Upgrades
People that do not understand the complexity of an upgrade
typically consider an upgrade to be nothing more than running some scripts. In
fact, once the Upgrade Assistant came on the scene, the stereotype became more
evident: if an upgrade is simply running scripts, then the Upgrade Assistant
must allow you to just push a few buttons and the upgrade will automatically
complete by itself!
Nothing could be further from the truth. An upgrade is a complex project that involves nearly every technical PeopleSoft area, along with involvement from functional team members, middle management, and executive management sponsorship. So, for such a complex project to be successfully executed, a methodology must be followed. PeopleSoft has devised such a methodology.
First and foremost, check for New Updates. Check the Customer Connection website again for any new Required For Upgrade patches, especially those related to data conversion. If any are found, apply them now, especially if this is the initial upgrade pass. However, for test/final move to production passes, be careful; it is normally not recommended to apply updates past the initial upgrade pass, as it requires further round(s) of testing.
Decide how data conversion will be executed. Decide which method will be used to execute the data conversion scripts:
1) Locally on client computer, using Upgrade Assistant (UA)
2) Configure Upgrade Assistant to execute data conversion on server
3) Create scripts to run data conversion, then execute directly on the server
Running data conversion locally thru Upgrade Assistant (UA) should only be used if (a) your PeopleSoft database is small & performance is top-notch; AND (b) you are unable to successfully configure UA to execute data conversion on the server.
Running data conversion thru UA, but configure UA to execute data conversion directly on the server is an option. The good side is that performance is better since data conversion is executed directly on the server; however, UA does not have a successful history of properly executing the scripts. Most times, it is quicker and you have better control if you write the scripts yourself.
Running data conversion directly on the server by executing scripts you have created is an overall good option, especially if the client doesn't require you to use UA exclusively. This is the option presented here; therefore, ignore any tasks in the Upgrade Guide which specify how to configure data conversion to execute on the server through UA.
If executing data conversion App Engine programs on the server, the application server box must be properly configured as follows:
The application server domain must be properly configured and must be running
The environment must be set to properly recognize execution of App Engine programs, such as PS_SERVER_DIR, etc (see PeopleSoft Installation Guide for current PeopleTools version) A good idea, although not a requirement, is to follow the Upgrade Guide instructions for building the component interface.
Perform pre-data conversion backup.
Make sure that you perform a backup before running data conversion. That way, if unrecoverable errors occur during data conversion, the database can be reverted to this point in time.
Assuming you decided to write the data conversion scripts, then in most cases some of the data conversion scripts may be run concurrently. Refer to the Upgrade Guide for specific instructions as to what each data conversion program actually does, but typically the first one is run as a pre-requisite to the others; therefore, it cannot run concurrently with others. However, usually all the other data conversion programs, other than the last one, can be run concurrently. Like the first one, the last one typically must be run consecutively.
Keep in mind that during the initial pass, data conversion may fail. This could happen either because PeopleSoft delivered records has been customized by the customer or duplicate data in the tables cause an error with new/changed indexes.
Also, if the customer has non-PeopleSoft (i.e. "Bolt-On") records, you may want to assist them in creating an Application Engine library so the data conversion upgrade driver programs will pick them up as well. Using the Application Designer "Find In" option can help determine which Application Engine programs affect customized records. Typically, specific instructions on this can be found in the Upgrade Guide for your upgrade path.
If you would like to learn the step by step approach and methods that will teach you all about Performing a Successful Upgrade you can download the eBook A step-by-step guide to performing successful upgrades
Starting in version 8.9 for
financials and 9.0 for HCM, Oracle changed the PeopleSoft Upgrade methodology
to copy PeopleTools objects over in data mover scripts. There are a number of
advantages to the new process. One potential impact, however, is that the
target environment's objects will be overwritten.Nothing could be further from the truth. An upgrade is a complex project that involves nearly every technical PeopleSoft area, along with involvement from functional team members, middle management, and executive management sponsorship. So, for such a complex project to be successfully executed, a methodology must be followed. PeopleSoft has devised such a methodology.
First and foremost, check for New Updates. Check the Customer Connection website again for any new Required For Upgrade patches, especially those related to data conversion. If any are found, apply them now, especially if this is the initial upgrade pass. However, for test/final move to production passes, be careful; it is normally not recommended to apply updates past the initial upgrade pass, as it requires further round(s) of testing.
Decide how data conversion will be executed. Decide which method will be used to execute the data conversion scripts:
1) Locally on client computer, using Upgrade Assistant (UA)
2) Configure Upgrade Assistant to execute data conversion on server
3) Create scripts to run data conversion, then execute directly on the server
Running data conversion locally thru Upgrade Assistant (UA) should only be used if (a) your PeopleSoft database is small & performance is top-notch; AND (b) you are unable to successfully configure UA to execute data conversion on the server.
Running data conversion thru UA, but configure UA to execute data conversion directly on the server is an option. The good side is that performance is better since data conversion is executed directly on the server; however, UA does not have a successful history of properly executing the scripts. Most times, it is quicker and you have better control if you write the scripts yourself.
Running data conversion directly on the server by executing scripts you have created is an overall good option, especially if the client doesn't require you to use UA exclusively. This is the option presented here; therefore, ignore any tasks in the Upgrade Guide which specify how to configure data conversion to execute on the server through UA.
If executing data conversion App Engine programs on the server, the application server box must be properly configured as follows:
The application server domain must be properly configured and must be running
The environment must be set to properly recognize execution of App Engine programs, such as PS_SERVER_DIR, etc (see PeopleSoft Installation Guide for current PeopleTools version) A good idea, although not a requirement, is to follow the Upgrade Guide instructions for building the component interface.
Perform pre-data conversion backup.
Make sure that you perform a backup before running data conversion. That way, if unrecoverable errors occur during data conversion, the database can be reverted to this point in time.
Assuming you decided to write the data conversion scripts, then in most cases some of the data conversion scripts may be run concurrently. Refer to the Upgrade Guide for specific instructions as to what each data conversion program actually does, but typically the first one is run as a pre-requisite to the others; therefore, it cannot run concurrently with others. However, usually all the other data conversion programs, other than the last one, can be run concurrently. Like the first one, the last one typically must be run consecutively.
Keep in mind that during the initial pass, data conversion may fail. This could happen either because PeopleSoft delivered records has been customized by the customer or duplicate data in the tables cause an error with new/changed indexes.
Also, if the customer has non-PeopleSoft (i.e. "Bolt-On") records, you may want to assist them in creating an Application Engine library so the data conversion upgrade driver programs will pick them up as well. Using the Application Designer "Find In" option can help determine which Application Engine programs affect customized records. Typically, specific instructions on this can be found in the Upgrade Guide for your upgrade path.
If you would like to learn the step by step approach and methods that will teach you all about Performing a Successful Upgrade you can download the eBook A step-by-step guide to performing successful upgrades
You will lose your PeopleTools objects unless they exist in the source environment. Something that is difficult to do unless you can implement a code freeze or keep track of object changes. To compound this challenge, security, trees and queries are objects which end users frequently have the ability to change.
To preserve these object changes, I recommend the following approach:
Planning for the Upgrade
1. Strongly consider performing a PeopleTools upgrade first if possible.
This makes moving projects required in the steps below much easier.
During the Upgrade Project
1. Turn on logging for queries so you can track the frequency and prioritize
queries. Work with the user community to identify critical queries to address
during the upgrade as part of scoping discussions. Agree to 'save' any queries
that you cannot address in the timeframe of the upgrade in another environment.2. Periodically compare and retrofit from production to upgraded development the non-query related trees. Do not copy query trees from production to the upgraded database.
3. Assess security impacts through a fit/gap. Make changes to roles and permission lists in upgraded copy of production. Avoid changing the names of roles during the upgrade. Don't forget to track changes to user preferences to reapply during the cutover.
During the Upgrade Cutover
1. Backup Production to another database prior to starting upgrade steps. This
occurs after production is shutdown but before you start the actual upgrade.2. After the upgrade is complete, copy user security (but not roles and permission lists) from the old copy to production.
3. As needed, use the copy of production to review the trees and queries to review / fix missing queries. Tree issues should be minimal if you followed the steps above.
I have used this strategy a number of times and found it to be very successful, especially when locking down production change may be a challenge for some organizations.
Of course, there are nuances and complexities that simply cannot be covered in a short blog. Some of these steps will also require some expertise to plan and execute. Consult with your PeopleSoft expert resources or implementation partner for more detailed information or assistance.
David is a Partner and VP at Knowledge Systems, a consulting firm specializing in enterprise application services and solutions. www.ksllc.com
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