
Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Running an sqr using people code push button

.      How to Run SQR thru PeopleCode?
Thru Create Process Request..    
  What is the procedure to run SQR thru CreateProcessRequest?
· Create SQR.
· Place the SQR in SQR Directory mentioned in the Configuration Manager.
· Create a New Process Definition in Process Scheduler.
In PeopleCode Event – call the CreateProcessRequest() function and specify Attributes ProcessType, ProcessName, and RunControlID

· Call the Schedule() method.
· Schedule() method will schedules the Process and then executes the rest of PeopleCode. It will not wait till the process gets completed.
· In Process Monitor we can see the Program Status whether it ran to Success or not. – RUNSTATUSDESCR field from PS_PMN_PRCSLIST Table.
.      What is the code to run SQR thru CreateProcessRequest PeopleCode Command?
Local ProcessRequest &RQST;

&RQST = CreateProcessRequest();
&RQST.ProcessType = "SQR Report";
&RQST.ProcessName = "Program1 ";
&RQST.RunControlID = "Srinivas";


If &RQST.Status = 0 Then
   WinMessage("SQR Successfully Scheduled", 0);
   WinMessage("There is a problem while Scheduling SQR", 0);

write above code in pushbutton field change event. 

Thursday, 22 November 2012

schedule application engine using people code

  • first insert push button on page 
  • double click on push  button 

 write people code on field field change event

This is the code
Local ProcessRequest &MYRQST;

&MyAppName = "FL_PAR_CH_AE";
&MYRQST = CreateProcessRequest("Application Engine", &MyAppName);
&MYRQST.RunControlID = "1";
REM &MYRQST.RunLocation = "PSUNX";
&MYRQST.RunRecurrence = "M-F at 5pm";
&MYRQST.TimeZone = "IST";
If &MYRQST.Status = 0 Then /* if Schedule status is success */
   WinMessage("schedule scceeded", 0);
   WinMessage("error", 0);

in above code i scheduled my AE to run after 5PM every day,after saving  page
go to IE peopletools----> process scheduler ---->process -->
process type = AE
process name = u r process name (AE name)
in process definition tab  give u r component name and process group = all pages
then save it
  • go to u r page click on push button then u r AE called and scheduled 
  • to see u r process request status go to people tools --> process monitor tab check u r process status
  • OR in data base type select * from ps_pmn_prcslist
  •  u r AE will run after 5 pm 

Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Tracing an application engine

Application Engines can be traced on two ways.
1. On The PIA.
2. On the Process Scheduler and Application Server.
Trace Application Engines On The PIA:
On the PIA, we can activate tracing for a particular Application Engine.
When activating tracing on the Client or on the Process Scheduler, any Application Engine run will generate a trace file.
Suggested Process Scheduler Trace Setting:

Go to the ‘Override Options’ tab. Set the ‘Parameter List’ option to ‘Append’ and add the tracing flags as explained below.
Tracing Options:
Application Engine tracing:
Add the sum of all the options you want to use at the end of the parameter list and precede the number by ‘–TRACE + a space’. For example:
-TRACE 391
Here is the list of options and associated numbers for each option:
1 Initiates the Application Engine Step trace
2 Initiates the Application Engine SQL trace
4 Trace dedicated Temp Table Allocation to AET file
128 Initiates the Statement Timings trace to file, which is similar to the COBOL timings trace to file
256 Initiates the PeopleCode Detail to the file for the Timings trace
1024 Initiates the Statement Timings trace, but, instead of writing to the trace file, this trace stores the results in the following tables: PS_BAT_TIMINGS_LOG and PS_BAT_TIMINGS_DTL
2048 Adding this value requests a database optimizer trace file
4096 Requests a database optimizer to be inserted in the Explain Plan Table of the current database
8192 This value sets a trace for Integration Broker transform programs
To turn traces on, sum all the options you want to use and enter the results at the end of the parameter list and precede the number by ‘–TRACE + a space’ as shown above. For example, you should use ‘391 (1+2+4+128+256) to trace what is shown in bold above.
SQL tracing:
Add the sum of all the options you want to use at the end of the parameter list and precede the number by ‘–TOOLSTRACESQL + a space’. For example:
Here is the list of options and associated numbers for each option:
1 Trace SQL statements
2 Trace SQL statement variables
4 Trace SQL connect, disconnect, commit and rollback
8 Show fetched rows (indicates that it occurred, not data)
16 Show all other API calls except ssb
32 Set Select Buffers (identifies the attributes of columns to be selected).
64 Show database API specific calls
128 Show COBOL statement timings
256 Show Sybase bind information
512 Show Sybase fetch information
4096 Show manager information
8192 Show Mapcore information
To turn traces on, sum all the options you want to use and enter the results at the end of the parameter list and precede the number by ‘–TOOLSTRACESQL + a space’ as shown above. For example, you should use ‘135’ (1+2+4+128) to trace what is shown in bold above.
PeopleCode tracing:
Add the sum of all the options you want to use at the end of the parameter list and precede the number by ‘–TOOLSTRACEPC + a space’. For example:
Here is the list of options and associated numbers for each option:
1 Trace instructions
2 List the program
4 Show assignments to variables
8 Show fetched values
16 Show stack
64 Trace start of programs
128 Trace external function calls
256 Trace internal function calls
512 Show parameter values
1024 Show function return values
2048 Trace each statement in program
To turn traces on, sum all the options you want to use and enter the results at the end of the parameter list and precede the number by ‘–TOOLSTRACEPC + a space’ as shown above. For example, you should use ‘2012’ (4+8+16+64+128+256+512+1024) to trace what is shown in bold above.
NOTE: DO NOT FORGET TO TURN TRACING OFF by setting the ‘Parameter List’ option to ‘None’ in the ‘Processes’ component – ‘Override Options’ tab.

Tuesday, 20 November 2012


  • first create file layout for inbound
  • create new app. engine  drag filelayout to AE peoplecode .
  • create a run control page in that insert a push button/hyperlink 
  • double click on push button  destination  : =peoplecode command 
                                                     record name =any derived work recoed name
                                                     field name := any field name

  • write people code on that push button record field ,field change event 
callappengine(" ur app engine name");

  • go to internet explorer peopletools--->process scheduler----->process 
give process type : =as application engine
Ur  process name := u r process name
  •  go to u r runcntl page click on push button 
  • then automatically u r AE  people code will run ,data inserted inserted in ur data base.

Monday, 19 November 2012

To run a process using a Pushbutton or hyperlink in PeopleSoft

Is it possible to run a process such as SQR, Application Engine, COBOL, Crystal Reports, Data Mover, Cube Builder by the click of a hyperlink in PeopleSoft, that too without any coding (PeopleCode)?
Yes, we can run a process using a Pushbutton or hyperlink in PeopleSoft.

To schedule or run a process via online by PeopleCode see my earlier post on Scheduling/Running a SQR from Peoplecode

This post elaborates on using Pushbutton/Hyperlink to invoke a Process via PeopleSoft process scheduler.
1) Insert a Push button in the Page definition from which user would invoke the process.
2) In the Destination drop down, chose 'Process'
3) Associate a Record and Field.
4) In the 'Process' area, choose:
     a) 'Type' of process - One of SQR, Application Engine, COBOL, Crystal Reports, Data Mover, Cube Builder
     b) Process 'Name' - defined via PeopleSoft and/or added as a Process in PeopleSoft Process Scheduler.
5) Click 'OK' and Save the Page

Now the associated process gets triggered whenever the pushbutton or hyperlink is clicked upon.

Prompt table takes long time to return values or doesn't return results at all

 Recently one of the PeopleSoft teams here in my company faced a strange issue. While choosing values from PeopleSoft prompt button, on typing few characters(enabled with Type ahead) would allow the user to select a value. However clicking on the prompt button without any value being entered causes the application to just keep on searching and eventually time out.

The eventual solution to get this issue resolved is below:

  1. Navigate to: PeopleTools > Web Profile > Web Profile Configuration 
  2. Open the web profile or profiles being used. If unknown this can be determined by examining the Web Profile History under the same navigation for any given webserver machine name.
  3. Select the "Debugging" tab.
  4. Reconfigure the following: 
    1. Deselect "Show StyleSheet Inline HTML" and 
    2. Deselect "Show JavaScript Inline HTML"
  5. Save the webprofile.
  6. Reboot the webserver. Clearing webserver and Appserver cache along with browser cache.

Sunday, 18 November 2012

email id validation

We have a number of pages in PeopleSoft, where user/admin is free to enter email addresses. How to validate if a value entered in a PeopleSoft field is a valid email address?
In general, how does an email id look like? It will have few characters followed by @ symbol followed by few characters and then a .(dot) symbol followed by few more characters. So, we have to validate the presence of these.
For example, if &email_addr is a variable which contains the string entered in email address field and needs to be validated then try the below code:

Additionally we could also perform checks to ensure that:
  • the position of @ is not the first character
  • .(dot) is not the last character.
  • @ is not repeated else where in the string
  • Dot is not repeated else where in the string
This can be done by using instr, substr and len functions.

transferpage function usage

  • before this create a pop up menu 
  • NOTE transfer and transferpage( ) functions we can't use in secondary page

Thursday, 15 November 2012

How to find which users have permission and do not have access to a PeopleSoft Component Interface?

Many a times we create number of batch processes based on Component Interfaces. No matter how much carefully we try to take care of the security settings we often overlook on CI permissions.
Here are couple of SQL queries that could assist finding the Users and Permission List having permission and not having access to a Component Interface.

For example, 'USERMAINT_SELF' - Component Interface is based on the My Profile Component. It allows only the current user to access it. This Component Interface must definitely have permission to the components like: Forgot My Password, Change Password - (CHANGE_PASSWORD component), and Change Expired Password.

To find out users already having permission to a Component interface(in this case - USERMAINT_SELF CI) the below SQL statement will be useful:
FROM   psoprcls
WHERE  oprclass IN (SELECT classid
                    FROM   psauthbuscomp
                    WHERE  bcname = 'USERMAINT_SELF'
                           AND bcmethod = 'ChangePassword')
       AND oprclass <> 'PSADMIN' ;

To find out what users do not have access to this component interface run this statement:
FROM   psoprcls
WHERE  oprclass NOT IN (SELECT classid
                        FROM   psauthbuscomp
                        WHERE  bcname = 'USERMAINT_SELF'
                               AND bcmethod = 'ChangePassword')
       AND oprclass <> 'PSADMIN';

Improve and Performance Tune your Application Engine Programs

Writing Efficient App Engine Programs
a) Apply Set Processing wherever it can be applied:
  • Use Group by, Having, Exists clauses effectively
  • Take extra care while writing sub queries and complex joins
  • Don't forget to join PROCESS_INSTANCE, in case you've made it a key
  • Fine tune the SQL ( Refer: Oracle Documentation)
b) Use Temp Table
  • It improves AE performance significantly- Best Suited for Set Based Processing
  • Facilitates parallel processing
  • Custom Indexes can be created to achieve faster result
  • Practice to make PROCESS_INSTANCE a key and employ the %Table meta-SQL
  • Automatic data cleanse
  • Dedicated Temp Table is preferred
c) Use Meta-SQL
  • Make a habit of using Meta-SQL like %Join, %CurrentDateIn, %Table. It gives program more flexibility.
  • It makes AE program more robust and platform independent and improves performance.
  • Be aware of the limitation of these Meta-SQL, e.g. %EffdtCheck doesn't work well with PS_JOB table
  • %TruncateTable is faster than bulk delete statement. In case of Temp table use %TruncateTable(%Table(XXX_TAO))
d) Drop/Rebuild Indexes:
  • If you're planning for massive Insert, you may wish to drop indexes and triggers from the table first and recreate them once the insert is done.
  • It makes AE processing much faster. Just be careful that dropping indexes makes it prone to duplicate rows. (You may leave primary key untouched).
e) Refrain from using PeopleCode
  • If the goal can be achieved using SQL, do not use PeopleCode.
f) Setting Commits
  • It's recommended to use frequent and early Commit in case of Set based processing. It reduces load from Database server and enhance performance.
g) Reuse Statement
  • Valid Only for SQL actions
  • By dedicating a persistent cursor to that statement we can reuse the SQL Statement.
  • When we select the ReUse property for a SQL action, %BIND fields is converted into real bind variables (like :1,:2, etc). This enables PeopleSoft Application Engine to compile the statement only once and dedicate a cursor, and re-execute it with new data multiple times. This reduction in compile time can result in dramatic improvements to performance.
h) Use %UpdateStats
  • For better performance, refresh statistics on temp tables using %UpdateStats(record name ,[HIGH/LOW]) after each bulk load of data.
i) Use CollectGarbage()
  • Specific to AE using App Classes.
  • Use the CollectGarbage function to remove any unreachable application objects created by the Application Classes and hence release the memory. ( Also Refer: Unix Process Limit for PeopleSoft)
  • However, my tests suggest that this function does not cause any memory to be released by the process.

j) Use SQL Hints (Tuning SQL)
  • SQL Hints e.g. /* +APPEND */,/* +FIRST_ROWS(n), provides a mechanism which instruct the CBO to choose a certain query execution plan based on the specific criteria. ( Refer: Oracle Documentation)
k) Streaming
  • Streaming is a process in which a large chunk of data is divided into multiple streams and all the stream processes in parallel.
l) Use Trace File
  • Use trace file generated by Trace/TOOLSTRACESQL/TOOLSTRACEPC advisably. Find out areas where process is taking longer processing-time or where performance can be improved.
Performance Considerations in Application Engine
It is always important to consider performance during design and development, but it is especially important when dealing with Application Engine programs. That is because AE programs often process a large number of transactions, and also because there are a number of fundamental design decisions that can have a dramatic affect on performance.
Performance tuning is often more of an art than a science, and there are exceptions to every rule. Still, the following general guidelines can be useful in achieving optimum performance.
Priority Considerations
These points should be on every designer’s and developer’s mind. They are given
priority because they can have a tremendous impact, and because it is much easier to implement them in the original design than it is to add them later.
  • Set-Based Processing: Instead of loop constructs such as Do Select, Do When, Do While, or Do Until, consider using UPDATE or INSERT statements that will affect many rows at once.
  • Temporary Tables: There are several reasons to consider using temporary tables in your program:
o The transaction tables may be too large to process directly against them with efficiency. A temporary table can hold an extract of the necessary data.
o The transaction tables may not have the correct index structure to process joins efficiently. A temporary table can be created with a more optimal index structure.
o The normalized data structure of the transaction tables may make it
difficult to access the required information. A temporary table can be
used to denormalize or “flatten” the data.
o It may not be possible to construct a single SQL statement to implement set-based processing. The temporary table can be used to store intermediate results.
o Although a single SQL statement might be possible, it may have such
complex joins that it performs badly. A temporary table again can be used to store intermediate results.
  • Write efficient SQL: Set-based processing often leads to SQL statements with lots of joins. There are several techniques to keep in mind when writing or tuning such statements, so that they run quickly:
o Use as many indexes as possible in the join criteria. In particular, don’t
skip high-level keys.
o Avoid unnecessary joins. For example, when deriving SetID values from the business unit, use a separate select statement to find the SetID, and store it in the state record. Then it can be used as a bind variable in the main SQL statement.
o Avoid unnecessary subselects. For example, if all the rows selected from a table will have the same effective date, then use a separate select statement to find the effective date, and store it in the state record. Then it can be used as a bind variable in the main select.
o Join to the smallest table possible. For example, if effective-dated records exist in a parent-child relationship, then use the parent record for the effective date subselect.
o Use Oracle hints. This is appropriate when tuning a slow SQL statement. See the Oracle documentation for a complete list of hints, although two particularly useful ones are RULE (to force a statement to ignore statistics) and USE_INDEX (to force a statement to use a particular index). Generating the optimizer plan for the statement (see below) may help in selecting an appropriate hint.
Other Considerations
These points can be important in certain contexts, but they either do not carry as universal or dramatic an impact as the above points, or they are easier to implement by “tweaking” an existing program.
  • SQL in PeopleCode: When possible, avoid using SQL in PeopleCode. It carries less overhead to use SQL actions instead.
  • Mathematical Calculations in PeopleCode: When possible, avoid using SQL to perform mathematical calculations. For example, it is more efficient to use PeopleCode to increment a counter. The exception to this is if the same calculation must be performed on many rows of a table – in that case, use setbased processing.
  • Commits: When and where commits are done should primarily be driven by restart logic. However, if doing commits within loop structures, it is a good idea to specify the commit frequency, so that commits may be done in sizable “chunks”.
  • ReUse Statement: For SQL actions in loop structures, turn on the “ReUse
Statement” option. The exception to this is if dynamic SQL is being used.
  • Bulk Insert: For INSERT statements in loop structures, use the Bulk Insert option. Note that this will not help if commits are done too frequently in the loop.
  • %UpdateStats: After inserting a large amount of data into a temporary table, use the %UpdateStats command. This will help the Oracle optimizer process joins more intelligently. Note that this will only work if commits are enabled.
  • Tracing: To identify where a performance problem is, run a trace of the
program, using the timing options. There are two important points to consider:
o When trying to pinpoint the problem turn off all tracing options other than the timing options. The overhead involved in tracing every statement can skew your results.
o If the problem has been narrowed down to a particularly complex SQL, it can help to generate the optimizer plan for that statement, using the DB Optimizer tracing option.

component interface important questions

1)      What are the main elements in the component Interface ?
Main elements of component Interface
• Component interface name
• Keys
• Properties and collections
• Methods

2) Difference between Get keys, find keys and Create Keys ?
Get keys: - These are mapped to the fields marked as scrh in the component’s search record. Automatically “Search key” fields in search record become Get keys.
We cannot change it.

Find keys: - These are mapped to fields marked as Alt or Srch in the component search record. You may remove Find keys that you do not wish to make available for searching.
Create Keys: - It is generated from the key fields for the search record. If Add search record is present then its key fields are taken. We cannot change it.

3) How do you provide security for the component interface?
• Open the Permission list
• On the Component Interface tab
• Add row and select the newly created Component Interface
• Edit the permissions to give permission for the standard methods
• Get, Create, Save, cancel, find.

4) What the steps that you need to do in people code to invoke Component Interface?
• Establish a user section
• Get the component interface definition
• Populate the create keys
• Create an instance of the component interface
• Populate the required fields
• Save the component Interface.

&Session = GetSession();
&CI = &Session.GetcompIntfc(CompIntfc.INTERFACE_NAME)
If not &CI.Create () Then

Populate other fields

Populate the other fields

If not &CI.Save () Then

5) How do you test Component Interface?
• Using the Component Interface tester
• Give values in the tester for options
• Get Existing, Create new, Find and perform the operation from the CI Tester

6) Catching error message in the component Interface? Or
Use of PSMessages in the CI ?

This function needs to be called when ever methods like Find, Save, Create methods return false.
Error text and Error type can be printed in the log message for any other action in to the log messge.

Function CheckErrorCodes()

&PSMessages = &Session.PSMessages;
&ErrorCount = &PSMessages.Count;
For &i = 1 To &ErrorCount
&ErrorText = &PSMessages.Item(&i).Text;
&ErrorType = &PSMessages.Item(&i).Type;


7) What is method? What are the different types of method?
- A method is an object that performs a very specific function on a component interface at run-time.
Standard methods and user-defined methods.
Standard methods: - Automatically generated upon the creation of a new component Interface in Application.
Apart from the Standard methods there are Standard methods available for the use with any collection.
User-Defined methods: - User-defined methods are those that you can create to meet the requirements of an individual component interface.

8) What are properties?
The Fields in the level 0 in the component are the properties of the component.

Standard properties User-Defined properties
Createkeyinfocollection Developer can further control the exposed Getkeyinfocollection field properties.
Property Info collection
GetHistoryItems (Update/Display mode or Correction mode)
EditHistory Items

9) Traversing the Collections in the Component Interface?
COLL_JOB – Collection
Coll_JOBItm – Row in the collection.
For &i = 1 to &COLL_JOBCol.Count
&COLL_JOBItm = &COLL_JOBCol.Item (&i);
For &J = 1 to &COLL_JOB_JRCol.Count
&COLL_JOB_JRItm = &COLL_JOB_JRCol.Item (&j);

10) How do you login in correction mode in the Component Interface?
Get History Items and Edit History items property to should be set to true.
Get History Items alone: - Update display all - modes will be used.
PeopleSoft HRMS / HCM Interview Multiple Choice Questions and Answers.The answers of the MCQs are highlighted with a (*)

You are setting up a new medical plan that requires employee deductions from pay. Where do you set up the sequencing of the deductions so that this deduction is taken before all others?
A.Medical Plan Table
B.Benefit Plan Table
C.Deduction Table (*)
D.Calculation Rules Table
E.Benefit Program Table

Which statement is true about an Effective-dated row?
A.It can be modified only using Correct History.
B.It copies all data to the new inserted row, including the effective date.
C.It copies all data to the new inserted row, except the effective date. (*)

An existing row can be modified using Update/Display if the effective date is equal to system date.Despite advice from various consulting firms, a local company wants to pay its employees 13 times a year. They currently pay their employees monthly. What can the company do to pay its employees 13 times a year?
A.set up a pay frequency with an annualization factor of 12 and a pay frequency with an annualization of 1 and combine them in Payroll
B.set up a pay frequency with an annualization factor of 13 (*)
C.It is not possible to set up a pay frequency greater than 12. the last payroll of the year twice
E.set up the annualization frequency with a pay factor of 13

Which components of Multiple Components of Pay comprise the Comprate field on the Job record?
A.Shift components, Supplemental Pay components, and components with the Base Pay checkbox selected
B.U.S. Dollar Base components only
C.components with the Base Pay checkbox selected (*)
D.components with the Base Pay checkbox selected and the Shift checkbox selected
E.all components

You have just added a new department to the Department Table. It is active and its effective date is less than today's date. When you try to transfer an employee to that department on an inserted row with today's date, the new department is NOT showing up. How can you resolve this issue?
A.add the department to the active Department Security Tree (*) the Update Department Security Tree Processed
C.change the effective date of the record to match the effective date of the new department
D.manually type in the department in the Department field and select Save from the icon menu the Refresh Employees Table Process

Which table is NOT set up within the Workforce Administration module?
A.Competency Table (*)
B.Volunteer Organizations Table
C.Action/Reason Table
D.Visa Permit Table
E.Title Table

Many businesses are moving valuable, high-profile employees with sought-after skills across borders to where they are needed most. What is the official name for these employees?
A.foreign assignees
B.foreign country nationals
C.expatriates (*)
D.remote workers
E.multinational employees workers

Which delivered table is a consolidation of employee information from different transaction tables?
A.Person Table
B.Employment Table
C.Consolidated Employee List Table
D.Employees Table (*)
E.Job Table

In the PeopleSoft 8.8 Internet Architecture, what is the static information at the top of the page called?
C.Universal Navigation Header (*)
D.Menu Bar

Which three HCM product modules are included in the PeopleSoft HRMS Release Notes? (Choose three.)
A.HRMS Portal Pack (*)
B.Resource Management
C.Global Payroll (*)
D.Recruiting and Admissions
E.Human Resources (*)

Operator A has only update/display access to the Job Data component. Operator A needs to correct the Job Code on EMPLID 10500 job row dated March 12, 2002. Operator A asks the supervisor why he is NOT allowed to make this change. Why can't Operator A perform this correction?
A.The supervisor needs to add Operator A to a different permission list.
B.The effective sequence on the row is equal to one.
C.The row with effective date March 12, 2002 is the current row for EMPLID 10500 (*)
D.Operator A can correct history only

Your client is upgrading from HRMS 7.5 to HRMS 8.8 and is not happy about the removal of the Personal_Data Table. They want to retain this table for use and remove it when they upgrade to HRMS Release 9. What is PeopleSoft's recommended approach?
A.engage PGS to customize the upgrade scripts to retain the table
B.customize the upgrade scripts to retain the table
C.have the client apply the PERSONAL_DATA_RECALL project (*)
D.stay on HRMS 7.5 until HRMS 9 is released

Which common reporting table is used by many PeopleSoft delivered reports, such as PER002-Employee Birthdays and PER005-Employees on Leave of Absence? A.Pers Data Effdt Table
B.Employees Table (*)
C.Employment Table
D.Personal Data Table

What are three security solutions that are delivered with PeopleSoft? (Choose three.)
A.Fast Security 3 (*)
B.Location Security
C.Department Security (*)
D.Company Security
E.Fast Security 2 (*)

Which five tables store the data from the hire process? (Choose five.)
A.Name (*)
C.Business Unit
D.Employment (*)
E.Benefits Program Participation (*)
F.Job (*)
G.Person (*)

Operator A has only update/display access to the Job Data component. Operator A needs to correct the Job Code on EMPLID 10500 job row dated March 12, 2002. Operator A asks the supervisor why he is NOT allowed to make this change. Why can't Operator A perform this correction?
A.The supervisor needs to add Operator A to a different permission list.
B.The effective sequence on the row is equal to one.
C.The row with effective date March 12, 2002 is the current row for EMPLID 10500 (*)
D.Operator A can correct history only

Your client is upgrading from HRMS 7.5 to HRMS 8.8 and is not happy about the removal of the Personal_Data Table. They want to retain this table for use and remove it when they upgrade to HRMS Release 9. What is PeopleSoft's recommended approach?
A.engage PGS to customize the upgrade scripts to retain the table
B.customize the upgrade scripts to retain the table
C.have the client apply the PERSONAL_DATA_RECALL project (*)
D.stay on HRMS 7.5 until HRMS 9 is released

1.       What is a workflow processor?
Workflow processor is a suite of online agents that run and control the workflow in your business processes. Once you define your business processes, you set up agents to do the work for you. Workflow processor consists of:

Word lists, which are ordered lists of the work a person (or group of people) have to do.
Application agents, which detect when a business rule has been triggered as users enter data into a People soft application. They evaluate who should action the new work instance (the role) and routes it to them (the routing)
The message agent, which processes messages sent to People soft external systems, such as electronic mail systems, interactive voice response systems, kiosks, other workflow systems, even the internet. It provides an application-programming interface (API) that enables third-party systems to integrate with People soft applications.

Database agents, which monitor the People soft database to identify items that need to enter workflow, such as overdue requisitions, scheduled performance reviews; departments that are over budget-any item you want to be alerted about. Workflow Administrator gives you the ability to access, monitor, analyze, and control workflow in your organization, which activities take the longest, which work lists are overloaded, and you can redesign work when an employee is out sick

2. What is a Tree?
It is a People soft object that defines the grouping and hierarchical relationship between the values of database fields. It also specifies how the system groups together the values of the fields for the purpose of reporting and security access.
Note: A particular tree is imported through out People soft system. Only one tree should be active throughout People soft system at a time.

3. What is a Tree Node (Unit)?
It represents the group of detailed values that report to it.

4. What is a Tree level?
It provides the short way to refer all nodes that share a single parent.

5. What is a node?
It is an individual branch of main level.

6. What is a Parent?
A node, which has other nodes reporting to it.

7. What is a child?
Lower level than its parent is called a child.

8. What is a sibling?
A node, which is placed at the same level, is called sibling.

9. What is meant by category in Tree manager?
High-level grouping under which you can organize your tree structure and tree definition.

10. Explain the various options to define a Tree?
There are 2 options to define a Tree..
1.Detailed Tree: used to gather information about the various parts of the tree.
2.Summary Tree: collection of detailed tree nodes.

11. What are the advantages of Tree Manager?
The following are the advantages of a Tree Manager..
1. By building a tree you can make rules centralized and can be used throughout the system.
2. Tree makes it easier to select the values you want to include in a report, ledger or security profile.
3. The main advantage in a tree is that it summarizes the rules visually and you can easily see as to now the values relate to each other.

12. What is an application reviewer?
It is a tool, which is window, based and designed as an aid in debugging People code programs. It allows us to investigate processing errors and to set a break point in between programs.
Note: People code works in data on the stacks. (Stacks store the internal machine execution numbers)

13. What are the important Cross-reference Reports in People soft?
There are three important Cross-reference reports in People soft..
1. XRF PCFL (Cross reference people code to field)
2. XRF FLPC (Cross reference field to People code)
3. XRF PNPC (Cross reference panel to People code)

14. What is a Query Tool?
Query tool is a powerful tool for defining database queries in an easy-to-use graphical environment. You can extract the precise data you want using visual representation of People soft database.

15. Enlist the uses of Query tool?
The following are the uses of Query tool..
1. It is used to simplify SQR statements
2. It can be used to generate one-time adhoc queries or queries used repeatedly.
3. It provides security for queries.
4. Query tool can be used to generate Pnvision and Crystal reports.

16. Explain briefly the types of queries?
There are 3 types of Queries
Search for records. Many of the search dialog boxes in People soft applications enable you to open Query and create a query based on the search record definition. This option enables you to search for records based on sophisticated search criteria. This type of query is called a search query.

Determine who to forward information to. You can write queries that People soft Work flow uses to determine who to send e-mails, forms, or work list entries to.
This type of query is called a role query>

User defined queries (adhoc query) is used to generate reports in the user defined format.

17. Explain briefly about the Database tab and Query tab?
When you click the database tab, you see a list of available record definitions (or record components). You can view these records as either a tree of access groups or as an alphabetical tree of records to which you operator ID has access.
When you click the Query tab, you see all the components used in the current query (such as record components, field components, prompts, expressions, and so on.

18. What is an Access Group in a Query tool?
Access groups provide a way for you to logically organize the record components to control security access within Query. It is not a physical representation of your database. The record components shown are those that the operator has been granted access to.

19. Explain briefly about Crystal Reports?
With Crystal Reports Pro from Seagate software, you can generate attractive reports. Crystal reports builds directly on queries you create in People soft Query. Crystal reports pro for windows is a report formatter that helps you to generate clear and easy to read printed reports containing data from your People soft applications. You can generate standard reports we have already created and saved in Crystal, or create your own custom reports.
Generating formatted output in Crystal involves two steps. First you create and save queries in People soft Query then you create report definitions in Crystal to format the fields (columns) used in the queries. Once you have created and saved the report definitions, you can print reports that are easy to read and understand. You can generate reports in a variety of different formats, including ASCII files, Microsoft Word documents and spread sheets.

1.       What is a set ID or Table set?
It is going share common control table values.

2. What is an object group?
Collection of one or more objects that form a logical group for security purpose.

3. What is business Process Map?
It is an alternative method for accessing panels or it is a graphical representation of a map.

4. What is an activity?
It is a collection of logical steps. It represents specific transaction a user might need to perform.

5. What is a business Process?
It is a collection of activities and it represents broad area functionality, categorizing the several activities.

6.What is a Process?
A task involved by the system.

7. What is a process instance?
It is a process number used to request process.

8. What is a process server agent?
It is going to initialize, select and parse the program.

9. What is a command line parameter?
The executable (.EXE) file is nothing but command line parameter. E.g. C:/SQLbin\SQL.exe.

10. What is Parameter List?
It defines under what database, platform will the program. (Nothing but the meta-strings)

11. What is Application Upgrade?
It is a migration of object from one database to another and updating other system components such as application software.

12. What is Mass change and explain the uses of Mass change?
Mass change is a SQL generator you can use to develop and perform custom applications. Using mass change, a developer can set up a series of INSERT, UPDATE, OR DELETE SQL statements that the end user can execute to perform business functions.
The overall structure of Mass change is similar to that of People soft Query
Except that Query retrieves data from the database while mass change actually updates the database.
The uses of Mass change are as follows.
1. It is used to perform high volume set oriented transactions.
2. Copy data from table or table
3. Archive table data (Archive means that the data does not have backup file and uses to update the values)

13. Why use Mass change and why not SQL execute to update a record, which is not attached to the panel?
The reason why Mass change is preferred over SQL exec is….
1. Two- Three Mass change program can work at a single time.
2. Data / information need not be defined in Mass change
3. Mass change can be used for file download upload.

14. What are the steps involved in Mass change?
The following are the order of steps involved in Mass change.
`1. Define type
2. Assign to template
3. Operator security
4.Mass change definition

15. What is Mass change group?
Adding all Mass change into a group. (i.e., Multiple Mass change definitions can be executed simultaneously).

16. What is workflow?
To an extent all the business processes defined using the Application designer involve workflow. However we usually reserve the term to refer to processes that involve multiple users and the routing of data between the users. People soft workflow tools help you build the routings into your computer systems. You use them to tie together the individual steps so that the system can help coordinate the activities.

17. How Workflow is controlled?
It is controlled by Decision Point (it is graphically denoted by a (?)). Where user has to choose which activity is appropriate towards the next step.

18. What are the key fields used in Key list?
7 key fields used in a key list. They are as follows..
1. Busprocname- (Business Process Name)
2. Activity name
3. Event name
4. Work list name
5. Instance Id
6. Transaction Id
7. Emplid

Note: While defining the above fields in the record definition, a key has to be assigned in the record field properties.

19. What is routing in workflow?
Transfer of roles / users

20. Why workflow is used and explains the advantage of workflow in People soft application?
Workflow typically eliminates the job tasks associated with controlling paper flow, and frees people the once performed clerical functions to do more meaningful work.
• Tasks that don’t require user involvement
• Tasks that involve non People soft users
• Tasks that several users work on together.

21. Define the components of workflow?
There are 3 underlying components of workflow i.e., Rules, Roles, Routing.

Rules are your company’s business practices captured in software. Rules determine what activities are required to process your business data. The rules are contained in policies and procedures documents.

Roles describe how people fit into the workflow. A role is a class of users who perform the same type of work, such as clerks or managers. Your business rules typically specify what user role needs to do an activity.
Roles direct the work to types of people rather than to individuals. Identifying roes instead of individual users makes your workflow more flexible and easier to maintain. Roles remain stable even as people change jobs.

Routings connect the activities in the workflow. They are the systems means of moving information from one place to another, from one step to the next. Routings bring the flow into workflow. The network of routings creates a business process from what used to be isolated activities. Routings make it possible to deploy applications throughout the enterprise. They work through the levels and departments of an enterprise to bring together the role that are necessary to complete complex tasks.
What are all the tree manager definitions?
• Level
• Node
• Parent
• Sibiling
• Child

What are all the various types of SJT?

What are all the organisational instance components?
• Add Employment Instance (Job_Data_Emp)
• Add Contingent Worker Instance (Job_Data_CWR)
• Add Person of Interest Job (Jon_Data_POI)

What are all the job instances used for POIs?
• COBRA qualified beneficiaries
• Stock employees not administered in Human Resources
• Global Payroll Employees
• Pension Payees
• Stock board members

What are all the purpose of the Job Earnings Distribution Information Page?
We can distribute the worker’s compensation on the basis of the following:
• Department
• Job Code
• Earnings Code
• Business Unit
• Shift
• Position Number
• General Ledger Pay type

What are all the job level defaults?
• Work
• Job Information
• Job Labor
• Payroll
• Salary Plan
• Compensation
• Employment Information
• Benefit Program Participation
• Earnings Distribution

What are all the main components for setting the hire template?
• Template Record/Field
• Template Section
• Template Category Table
• Template Creation

What are all the statuses used to define templates?
• Test (Default Value)
• Active
• Inactive

What are all the statuses available on the template hire status page?
• Pending Hires
• Cancelled Hires
• Processed Hires

What are the methods available to update worker’s compensation packages?
• Seniority Pay increases
• Grade Advance increases
• Automated step increases
• Step increases using review bands
• Amount increases
• Percentage increases

What are all the components available under Setup HRMS?
• Install
• Security
• Upgrade
• Foundation Tables
• Common Definitions
• Product Related
• System Administration

1.       What is Application Engine?
It is the tool, which performs, background SQL processing against our application data tables. It is an alternative for COBOL, SQL or SQR
Programs. Other tools such as query tool and mass change generate SQL.

2. What are the parts of Application Engine?
Application Engine consists of 4 parts.
1. Application: It is a set of SQL statements.
2. Steps: It is the smallest unit of work committed in an application.
3. Sections: Comprises of 1 or more steps
4. Statements: SQL statements like update, insert, delete or select are issued.

3. What is the advantage of using Application Engine?
The following are the advantages of using Application Engine.
Unlike applications developed using COBOL or SQR, Application Engine applications reside completely within your database. With Application Engine, there are the programs to compile, no statements to store, and no need to directly interact with the operating environment in use. You can build, run and debug your applications without existing People Tools.
Effective Dating
Application sections are effective dated-meaning you can activate/deactivate a section as of a particular date. This enables you to archive sections as you modify them, instead of destroying them. In the future if you decide to revert to a previous incarnation of a section you can simply reactivate it.
SQL / Meta-SQL Support
In addition to writing your SQL within Application Engine, you can also copy SQL statements into Application Engine from SQL talk or any other SQL utility with few – if any changes.
RDBMS platforms have many differing syntax rules – especially in regard to date, time and other numeric calculations. For the most part you can work around this problem using Meta-SQL which Application Engine supports. This language was created to handle different RDBMS SQL syntax’s by replacing them with a standard syntax, called Meta-strings.
With in Platform specific sections
You can also have the ability to call generic portions of SQL statements by using the & CLAUSE function. This means you can write your generic SQL portions just once, and reference them from your different platform versions.
Set Processing Support
Set processing is a SQL technique used to process groups (or sets) of rows of one time rather than one at a time. Application Engine is particularly effective of processing these types of applications.
Object Orientation
Unless designed to anticipate changes in field attributes. COBOL applications may need to be modified when things change. If a developer increases a field’s length, then it may need to be changed in every instance where the COBOL program uses this field as a bind or select variable. This can require a good bit of effort. And, if not handled properly, a change like this can cause confusing errors. For example, if the length of a field in the COBOL is wrong, it may work fine, or you may get an error, or the field may get truncated.
One of the corner stones of People soft functionality is Application Designer. Because of the way it works, most field attributes (type, length and scale) can be specified once, globally. If the field is used on more than one record, it has the same attributes in each of these records.

You can use Data Mover to import/export your applications. This means that you can export an application(s) into a file, and attach it to an e-mail message. Then, the recipient can simply use the IMPORT feature of Data Mover, and the application is ready to run.

4. What is a Cache Record?
The Cache record (or cache) is a physical People soft record, keyed by process instance that must be created and maintained by the Application Engine developer. This record defines the fields that an application uses to pas values from one SQL statements to another. You retrieve cache field values by the Application Engine and BIND function; you assign cache values using & SELECT.

5. What is unique about panels, which refer to view as opposed to physical tables?
Panels that refer to views in People soft are not used for insert, update or delete. All fields on these panels are display only.

6. How search records are used?
Search records are used to search, retrieve and filter data. Search records also define the structure of the dialog box.

7. Where are the search records assigned?
Search records are assigned to a panel group in a menu.

8. Does the search record for a panel has to be the same as the record being
Accessed on the panel? Why or Why not?
The search record for the panel does not have to be the same as the record being
Accessed on the panel because the search record is used to search for and or
Filter the search key.

9. How can a search record dialog box be suppressed?
A search record dialog box can be suppressed by assigning a search record that does not have search key.

10. What do search views delivered by People soft do besides displaying the dialog
Search views delivered by People soft are used to implement row level security as well as display a dialog box.

11. What do you need to do to modify the search views?
To modify a search view, we need to change the record definition and recreate the underlying SQL view.

12. When would you have to alter the tables and modify the panels, in the process
of modifying search records?
You need to alter tables and modify panels, when you modify a search record to include a new field.

13. When will there be two occurs level records in a panel group?
If you are referring to two different record definitions that share a same high-level key then two-level one-scroll bar can be displayed as stacked scroll bars.

14. In what order does the application processor fill buffer for the panel group?
The application processor uses occurs level in the panel group to fill the buffer.

15.Differentiate Error V/s Warning statements in People code?
The error statement issues a message and the condition causing the error must
Be corrected before proceeding. The warning statement issues a message and
The user can proceed without changing any values.

16. Where can you run Jobs?
The process scheduler can run jobs on the client or a server machine.

17. What restrictions are placed on multi-process jobs?
A multi process jobs can only be scheduled to run on a server.

18. List the three output destinations available through the Process Scheduler?
You can direct the output to a printer file and windows screen.

19. Where do you set up default operator / class options for Process Monitor?
In operator security, using change, process profile.

20. What are the advantages of incorporating Table set ids into People soft applications?
Table set Ids allow you to share sets of values (codes) in the same prompt table.

21. What fields should be at the tope of every search record definition that use table set Ids?
SET ID is the field that should be at the top of every record definition that uses table set Ids.

22. What is a Record Group ID?
A Record group ID is a group of record definitions that are Sharing the same set control field.

23. What do you determine using Table set Ids control information?
Table set ID control information determines how the information should be shared. The Table set ID control panel defines which Table set Ids set control filed code will use for each record group.

24. What are the three types of Maps used by the navigator?
The 3 types of Maps used by the navigator are..
1. Business Process Map
2. Activity Map
3. Step Map

25. What are the types of layers in Crystal reports?
There are 4 types of layers in Crystal Reports. They are..
1. Report Header - In this, we will write title, date, and logos of the company.
2. Page Header – Used to write column headings.
3. Detail – Contains database column values.
4. Page Footer – Used to write page numbers and address.
2.      The main attributes of a Component Interface (CI) are?
Keys, Properties & Collections, Methods and Name
3.      Which one of the following are standard properties when a Component Interface (CI) is created?
4.      With reference to the Component Interface Tester which of the following is NOT TRUE?
GetExisting option is equivalent to opening a record in Update/Display Mode only
5.      Which of the following are TRUE when a Component Interface (CI) is created on component that has Add action enabled?
Get keys, Create keys and Find keys gets created automaticallyThe Create method is created alongwith the other Standard methods for the CI
6.      Which of the following can be mapped as Find Keys for a Component Interface ?
A OR b
7.      Which of the following is NOT TRUE in Component Interface (CI) Architecture?
A component interface can be mapped to multiple PeopleSoft components
8.      The following are various steps that describes the peoplecode logic while implementing a Component Interface?
1.Establish a user session
2.Get the Component Interface
3.pulate the Create Keys
4.eate an Instance of the CI
5.pulate the required fields
6. Save the CI
9.      Will Tuxedo continue to be used in a PeopleSoft/WebSphere or PeopleSoft/WebLogic environment?
Yes. WebSphere or WebLogic are used as the HTTP server and servlet engine. They are not used as middleware with the PeopleSoft Application Server. Tuxedo is always used with PIA, regardless of the HTTP server or Java servlet engine.
10.  Can a PeopleTools 8.4 and a PeopleTools 8.1x database run on the same machine?
Yes, databases can co-exist on the same physical machine. In most cases, thedatabases themselves can exist within the same RDBMS, however, it isimportant to verify that the database version required by PeopleTools 8.4 is thesame as for the current PeopleTools 8.1x implementation.
11.  Can a PeopleTools 8.4 and a PeopleTools 8.1xapplication server run on the same machine?
13.  Yes, both PeopleTools 8.4 and PeopleTools 8.1x application servers can run ona single machine. It is important to ensure that there are no port clashes between the installations.
14.  How does the PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal workwith 8.1x and 8.4 applications?
There are several scenarios that may exist when customers use the PeopleSoftEnterprise Portal with a mixture of 8.1x and 8.4 applications. Specificinformation on the use of the PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal in a blendedenvironment will be available in a forthcoming white paper, which will beavailable on Customer Connection.In general, the recommendation is to use the PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal 8.4with 8.1x and 8.4 applications, rather than an older version.
15.  For the servlet layer on the web server, what version of the Java Servlet API are the PIA Java Servlets coded to with PeopleTools 8.4?
The PIA Java servlets in PeopleTools 8.4 are coded to JavaSoft's Java Servlet API 2.0 and are fully compatible with Servlet API 2.2. It should be noted that the PeopleSoft Internet Architecture is supported only on the BEA WebLogic and WebSphere servlet engines.
16.  IBM How should Web Application Servers be used with PeopleTools 8.1x and PeopleTools 8.4?
The PeopleSoft Internet Architecture uses a web application server and anHTTP server. PeopleTools 8.12 and above include both BEA WebLogic andApache with Jserv. With PeopleTools 8.4, both BEA WebLogic and IBMWebSphere are bundled. Apache with Jserv is no longer a supported webapplication server combination. Customers can choose which web applicationserver to run during installation time.In a mixed PeopleTools 8.1x and 8.4 environment, each PeopleTools installationshould have their own chain of web application server and application server,PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential Page 5and these can be on the same machine. For example, a PeopleTools 8.1xinstallation using Apache and Jserv could reside on the same machine as aPeopleTools 8.4 installation using IBM WebSphere. Care should be taken toensure that unique port numbers are assigned to each server chain.
17.  Why did PeopleSoft bundle IBM WebSphere Advanced Single Server Edition rather than Advanced Edition?
The Advanced Single Server Edition (AEs) of WebSphere provides the same core J2EE and Web Services programming model as the Advanced Edition (AE) with simplified administration. In the AE version WebSphere uses DB2 or other standard database to keep the configuration and runtime information to support very large farm of WebSphere servers. However, it is one more database to install, administer and maintain. The AEs version does not use the database and uses file based configuration in a way that is similar to BEA WebLogic. PeopleSoft and IBM WebSphere architects determined that AEs version would satisfy the deployment requirements of PeopleSoft customers and would make it easy for owning and administering PeopleSoft Applications based on WebSphere.
18.  Will the PeopleSoft Internet Architecture, now that it embeds BEA WebLogic and IBM WebSphere, work with my other corporate web servers and tools?
One of the core values of the PeopleTools development group is investment protection. The time, money and resources that you may have already invested in licensing another web server, training developers and administrators, building and deploying other web applications will not be compromised by this decision. How is this accomplished
19.  Is BEA WebLogic the same thing as the web server that was previously on the Tuxedo CD?
No. The web server that was delivered on the Tuxedo CD has absolutely nothing to do with WebLogic. WebLogic is a web application server that is designed for large-scale production websites. The HTTP server on the Tuxedo CD was only there to provide a mechanism for launching the graphical Tuxedo administration console if the Tuxedo administrator didn't already have a web server in place. It was never intended for large-scale, production website use — only for a system administrator or two.
20.  Are disconnected mobile applications supported in PeopleTools 8.1x?
No. The PeopleSoft Mobile Agent architecture, which is used to support disconnected mobile applications, is only available in PeopleTools 8.4. The PeopleSoft Mobile Agent is dependent upon certain core technologies that were specifically developed for PeopleTools 8.4.
21.  Is WebSphere certified on PeopleTools 8.1x?
No. IBM WebSphere is certified on PeopleTools 8.4 only. Customer wishing to use IBM WebSphere with PeopleTools 8.1x may take advantage of an IBM WebSphere for early adopters program, created and managed by IBM. Further information about this program can be found in the whitepaper The IBM WebSphere 8.1x Early Adopter Program. Are there additional license requirements for IBM WebSphere
22.  Are there advantages or disadvantages to using BEA WebLogic over IBM WebSphere or vice versa?
No. Both products are certified with PIA as of version 8.4 and work equally well. By offering both BEA WebLogic and IBM WebSphere, we give our customers more choices and flexibility to run PeopleSoft in their preferred environment.
23.  Is web server load balancing supported with PeopleTools 8.4?
Customers can set up clusters of BEA WebLogic or IBM WebSphere servers to do web server load balancing. In such scenarios, if an instance is down, requests are automatically routed to another instance. For more information on high availability and clustering with WebLogic, WebSphere and other web servers.
24.  Both BEA WebLogic and IBM WebSphere have the ability to plug into many different web servers. Does PeopleSoft support the web servers that they plug into?
BEA and IBM provide plug-ins for many of the leading web servers. This allows the customer to use their own HTTP web server and WebLogic’s or WebSphere’s Java servlet engine. PeopleSoft uses this plug-in capability to support IIS. We have no reason to believe that there will be any issues with other web servers that WebLogic or WebSphere are able to work with through their plug-in architecture, but PeopleSoft GSC will not support these other web servers with PeopleTools 8.4
25.  Does Application Messaging work between 8.1xand 8.4 applications?
Application Messaging is used by PeopleSoft applications to communicate withone another. This is true not just for 8.1x and 8.4 applications, but also between an 8.1x and an 8.4 application. For example, the HRMS 8.3 applications, which are based on PeopleTools 8.15, can communicate with Financials 8.4applications, which are based on PeopleTools 8.4, using Application Messaging. If specific issues materialize relating to the Application Messages published by certain applications, these new messages will be made available to customers.
26.  Why is PeopleSoft no longer supporting Apache Jserv?
Apache JServ was a servlet engine that was supported in PeopleTools 8.1x. This support has been removed from PeopleTools 8.4 for several reasons: v JServ is no longer an active product and is in maintenance mode and there are no longer any new official releases. v Our customers have exhibited a desire to use commercial products for mission-critical enterprise web application servers rather than open source solutions. Therefore, moving to support Tomcat is not seen as a reasonable solution. v Apache can still be used as an HTTP server with BEA WebLogic .
27.  What HTTP servers and Java servlet engine combinations are supported with PeopleTools 8.4?
All popular http servers (reverse proxies) are supported. Please refer to the platforms database on Customer Connection for specific information on current certified platforms.
28.  WorkItem is available in?
WorkList Record
29.  Where are workflow work items found ?
30.  In which platform does Crystal and Psnvision works?
Windows (Correct)
31.  You want to update your password and enter a hint for forgotten password. What would you access?
User Profile  
32.  Question based on changing prompt table, what happens when changing from NO EDIT TO EDIT option?
user can type only prompt table values and the default values gets populated from the database.
33.  Customization done in Dev DB, Which tool i will use to move it to Prod DB?
35.  Use App Designer -> Copy DB
36.  Your Onsite DBA has called you up and told you that one of the tables PS_ABC_TAO has grown very big in size. Based on the standard naming convention, you have determined that the record is a temporary record since it ends with _TAOYou look into the database and decide that that the data is not required any more. You ask the DBA to delete the data in the table. Next day you get a call from an irritated user who says that a daily process that took only 1 minute to run is taking about 2 hours today. You look into his process and find that it uses PS_ABC_TAO as a temporary table.
What would you suggest the DBA to do ?

Update statistics on the table
37.  (Some scenario) Question relating DBA Purging Temporary Table?
Update Statistics
38.  How many Message nodes are possible for a database.?
39.  How will you get a single output by combining two or more queries?
40.  What BEA product is used for DB transaction in PS?
41.  Which one of the following Data Types is NOT supported by the PeopleCode programming environment?
42.  What hyperlinks available in PeopleBooks? Some options with different hyperlinks not available in peoplebooks, select the correct one?
Study all hyperlinks in the first page of people books.
43.  The example below demonstrates the use of SQR flags in the configuration manager directories folder: -F C:PSHrmsSqrWhat do the above SQR flags signify to the SQR Report Writer upon execution?
Specifies the output path
44.  When a business requirement in Fit/Gap Analysis does not meet by PeopleSoft then?
Some options:1. Customize PS application (Yes)2. Buy third party software (Yes)3. Call PS Development Center for Enhancement (Yes)
45.  What are the status available in PeopleSoft Domain Status Menu?
Server, Client and Queue Status
46.  Which of the following are part of an AE program ?
Section ,Step and Action
47.  Which of the following fires after the database is updated?
48.  What event gets fired after DB Update?
49.  For downloading patches and fixes , you have gone to the customer connection and looking under 8 april, 2000 and see Report IDS like R-CCHEN-VP14JM. What does R stand for ?
50.  In which one of the following views would you see the fields, criteria, and other details associated with the current query?
Query view
51.  PeopleSoft tracks object changes using a system table. Which PeopleTools System table is used to track object changes?
52.  PeopleSoft has its own naming convention for system and non-system (application) tables. In the list below, RECORDNAME refers to the name of any table or record.Referring to the above information, which one of the following identifies the naming convention PeopleSoft uses for system tables?
53.  Which process is used for running AE programs which are to be run at a frequency of less than a day ?
54.  You can specifically trace the activity of the PSAPPSRV server process by setting the?
55.  Which of the following is correct in order to start the Process Scheduler Server from the command line using psadmin.?
Psadmin –p start –d
56.  In the following url http://localhost/Peoplesoft/EMPLOYEE/PSFT_HR/c/PROCESS_SCHEDULER.PRCSTYPEDEFN.GBLwhich one is the component definition?
57.  I have created a Menu and a Page and given user access to that page, which of the tables gets affected on this (Scenario)?
PeopleTools Tables
58.  You are a PeopleSoft Partner and wish to get information on database performance benchmark ( or something like this)Where would you look for the info ?
PeopleSoft Knowledge base
SYSAUDIT finds for
Orphaned Records
59.  Which RDBMS uses Tablespace?
Oracle, DB2, Other Options: SQL Server, Informix, Sybase
60.  Changing Prompt Table with NO Edit to Prompt Table with Edit?
Only selection of existing data is possible
61.  Which command is valid in both bootstrap and regular mode when operating the data mover?
62.  PeopleCode events pertaining to Record Field:?
FieldEdit, SaveEdit and RowDelete
63.  Which of the following are Record field events ?
FieldChangeSearchSave and SavePreChange
64.  Which of the following commands can be run in Bootstrap mode?
65.  What commands are valid in BS mode?
66.  What views available in Application Designer project workspace?
Development and Upgrade
67.  Which of the above record definitions is NOT stored on the database and is therefore NOT required to be built?
Derived/Work Record
68.  You have downloaded an Application fix as a project from the customer connection. Where would you upgrade it to ?
69.  PS Query definition is stored on which server?
DB Server
70.  How do you login into BS mode?
DB Access Id
71.  If you want to log into DataMover in Bootstrap mode, you would login as..?
Database superuser
72.  What is added as new option in Build apart from Create Tables, Indexes, Views?
Create Trigger
73.  Where will you configure for failover of Application Server (Scenario) -?
74.  Which one of the following is a trasaction control statement ..?
75.  What Record Changes does not affect Database?
Change in List box in Record Field properties (correct)
76.  Which one of the following steps is NOT part of performing an upgrade?
Apply all outstanding patches, prior to upgrade
77.  Update and Fixes: R-* files refers to?
Application Updates and Fixes
78.  How do you set up table-sharing in PeopleTools applications?
Add the field, SETID, as a key field to each table you want to share, and then define the set control field. PeopleSoft reserves ALL Message Sets (in Utilities, Message Catalog) up to which number?
79.  What is the default Crystal Report that PeopleSoft Query tool creates?
80.  (Some scenario) Find which is not part of AE Program, Options would be?
81.  Which of the following are true with respect to validate signon with database option enabled in psadmin.?
1. The application server first attempts to connect to database using the user id and password as part of the database connection string.
2. User must be defined on either the operating system or the database and within the PeopleSoft.
82.  Which of the Following are true for force Shutdown In PeopleSoft Domain Shutdown menu?
1. shuts down the domain using the tmshutdown -k TERM -c command.
2. A forced shutdown is a non-quiescent shutdown that immediately terminates all the processes
83.  After logging into customer connection, you wish to search for fixes/patches. What are the search criteria's available ?
1. Report ID
2. Date / time
3. Release
84.  What are the Search Keys you use to find Patches and Fixes?
1. Release
2. Updated date time
3. Report Id
85.  Which one of the following tree types is NOT supported in the PeopleSoft tree manager?
1. Query trees
2. Combination trees
86.  Which Web Services is only used as a Proxy Server?
2. Apache
87.  In PeopleCode Debugger what are the valid values?
1. Go
2. Step Over
3. View Variable Value
88.  Select the components which form the part of Integration Broker?
1. File Layout
2. CI
3. app. Messaging
89.  What are the views available in App. Designer project workspace(multiple answer)?
1. Development
2. Upgrade
90.  What are Menu types available?
1. Component
2. PeopleCode
3. Separator
91.  Database Connectivity Drivers should be installed in the following System?
1. Client Workstation in two tier mode (Yes)
2. App Server (Yes)
3. Batch Server (Yes)
4. Data Mover (Yes)
92.  Where do you need to install connectivity software?
1. batch server 2. App server 3. two tier client
93.  What are the People Tools available for Integration Broker?
1. Appl. Messaging 2. Component Interface 3. File Layout
94.  A Customer wants to use a new Image in HRMS, where it is stored?
DB Server
95.  We access pia from mac OS?
96.  Which of the following technology is used in app messaging?
97.  Which one of the following PeopleCode debugging tools automatically converts values of any data type other than object into string values for viewing during debugging?
98.  PIA screens and recognize it?
Where are the work items presentWorkilist
99.  Where do u set the web server cache?
web server file
100.                      Your company obtained the newest Application Release of PeopleSoft, and you need to prepare for the upgrade. Upon reading the new Release Notes, you notice that changes were made to two COBOL modules (batch programs). You need to decide how to compare the current versions of these COBOL programs with the versions delivered with the new PeopleSoft application release. Which would be the fastest method of comparing these different versions?
Use non-PeopleSoft comparison tools. 5.
101.                      Can a business Process be used as a Navigator Home page ?
102.                      The physical, dedicated tables are locked at the time the Application Engine program is loaded into memory?
103.                      State Record can be Dynamic Record?
104.                      In Call Section – Action it is possible to leave the Program ID with blank Value in certain cases?
105.                      You can assign multiple databases and application servers to a single profile. But, each database and application server must be assigned to only one profile?
106.                      The Trace tab in Configuration Manager only traces Windows client (two-tier) interactions?
107.                      TriggerBusinessEvent is used for triggering the workflow and its written on workflow event. TriggerBusinessEvent has the syntax?
108.                      The following is an entry from the application reviewer LOG File: start Field=PERSONAL_DATA.EMPLID-RowInit Temps=1 Stack=4 Source=233What does the Source=233 parameter in the above LOG file entry identify?
The statement being executed is line 233 of the PeopleCode program.
109.                      One-to-Many?
Table 1 relates to 0,1 or many records in Table2, Table 2 relates to Table1 as one and only one table.
110.                      What the following command will do? psadmin -p start -d hrdmo?
Starts a Process Scheduler
111.                      Which of the Task cannot be done through PSADMIN?
Starting Web Server
112.                      Activate Event is Valid for following?
Standard & Secondary
113.                      What is the result of the search with the following criteria in PS Books?
SQL Table OR Field
114.                      What category of commands can be executed in data mover?
Sql , data mover commands
115.                      The example below demonstrates the use of SQR flags in the configuration manager directories folder: -F C:PSHrmsSqrWhat do the above SQR flags signify to the SQR Report Writer upon execution?
Specifies the output path
116.                      The application server dynamically scales server processes according to the volume of transaction requests which is known as?
117.                      Where do you create the process security groups?
Security Administrator 20
118.                      What is the event that fires after all database updates are over?
Save post change
119.                      In which one of the following views would you see the fields, criteria, and other details associated with the current query?
Query view 9
120.                      From the following statements which one is NOT true about Pub Broker?
Pub Broker is invoked after Pub Contractor Handler evaluates routing rules and writes contract(s)
121.                      From the following statements which one is NOT true about Pub Broker?
psserver in configuration properties
122.                      PeopleSoft tracks object changes using a system table. Which PeopleTools System table is used to track object changes?
123.                      PeopleSoft has its own naming convention for system and non-system (application) tables. In the list below, RECORDNAME refers to the name of any table or record.Referring to the above information, which one of the following identifies the naming convention PeopleSoft uses for system tables?
124.                      Which is a record that PeopleTools adds to every level of the Message Structure during processing?
125.                      What is the configuration file that contains the entire collection configuration values for a given application server domain?
126.                      Which command shuts down an application server domain using a “forced” shutdown method?
psadmin -c shutdown! -d ps800dmo
127.                      The DB User mentioned in Connect ID should have permission to which Three PeopleSoft Tables?
128.                      PeopleSoft has its own naming convention for system and non-system (application) tables. In the list below, RECORDNAME refers to the name of any table or record.Referring to the above information, which one of the following identifies the naming convention PeopleSoft uses for non-system(application) tables?
129.                      The initial values that you see in PSADMIN are derived from the configuration template that you select when you create your domain. Where these templates reside in the system?
PS_HOME/appserv in the Application Server
130.                      You just finished customization work that involved the creation of many new objects. You must now migrate these objects from your development database (source) to a testing database (target) to conduct more elaborate testing.Referring to the above information, why would adding your objects to a Project streamline the migration to a new database?
Projects provide the ability to migrate all objects at once or each object type individually. *
131.                      Which of the following menu options allows you to modify the Last Process Instance Number used within the system?
Process Scheduler, Use, Process Definitions
132.                      Trace 255 command line option produces the trace file with the name?
133.                      Where can u see the status of the job report and details in secured way?
Process monitor
134.                      Non Repudiation property can be set?
PIA-.PeopleTools-> Integration Broker->Node DefinitionApplication Designer->Message ->Properties
135.                      If you delete a page from PSPT application which all tables are affected –?
People Tools
136.                      If u change the long name of translate field what object to be altered?
Page def
137.                      When do configuration changes made using the configuration Manager take effect?
Once you exit PeopleSoft and log back in.
138.                      Which one of the following is NOT a valid PeopleSoft query type?
Message agent queries
139.                      Interlink data type can be declared as?
140.                      The following ApiObject data type objects can’t be declared as Global:?
141.                      PeopleSoft’s hub to handle complex system-to-system interactions.?
Integration Broker
142.                      Suppose the CEO wants a list of the departments whose MINIMUM salary is greater than $100,000. Your manager asks you to determine the quickest method to deliver this data to the CEO. Since writing an SQR will take too much time, you decide to use PeopleSoft query. Referring to the above, what function would you use, in combination with the aggregate function "Minimum" to produce the result set required?
143.                      DoSave( ) can be called from one of the following events?
FieldEdit, FieldChange, MenuItemSelected MenuItemSelected, Save Prechange & SavePostChange
144.                      In which PeopleCode event does ALL data validation take place?
145.                      Peoplecode attached with Push Button can be associated with which of the following events?
Field Edit, Field Change
146.                      People Soft allows multiple long fields per State Record?
147.                      AE does Parse SQL?
148.                      A PeopleCode program is automatically saved to a file while you’re working on it. This checkpoint will NOT occur at which the following times:?
Every 5 Mins
149.                      We define business rules PeopleCode on?
event definition
150.                      Which of the following record is not found in database?
Derived work record
151.                      What is the logic used by Component Buffer?
Depth First Algorithm
152.                      Two Program views of AE Program?
Definition, Program flow
153.                      You have 3 App. Servers where do you define the Failover.?
Configuration Properties
154.                      Query is split into what?
Component and Query view
155.                      Menu path provides path to?
156.                      When Auto-join check box is checked what does it mean?
Common key fields
157.                      What effect would making a change to the EMPLID field in the above project have?
Changes would occur globally; meaning the field is changed everywhere else in the database.
158.                      An employee is transferred where should he refer in this aspection?
Business Process
159.                      What are destructive statements in SQL?
b) Recreate a Table
d) Recreate a View
160.                      A clients App was 3months behind, what should he do to update the app since it was not working?
b) Apply all Service packs
161.                      In Two Tier mode where does authentication happens?
Application Server
162.                      Worklist for a particular user contains marked worked and reassigned buttons. The reassigned button is set from?
appdesigner -> worklist definition
163.                      ps application logic reside where?
app server
164.                      Where do peopletools data is cached?
app server
165.                      My Asst. Manager approves some document; She uses some screens which presents her with all the data. What she do to minimize the data?
Advance search
166.                      You need not create separate DB for every user in PPSFT 8.4 onwards. This is possible because of?
Access ID
167.                      File formats for File Layout?
c) fixed length
168.                      Prompt table with no edit to no edit?
a) user can enter values from prompt table
b) user can enter values from prompt table and default value will be populated
169.                      Meta-SQL where is it stored?
a) Temp Table
b) SQL Table
c) Query Table
d) Dynamic(Guess: Temp Table, check People books App Engine)
170.                      What are all stored in System Catalog?
a) SQL table
b) SQL View
171.                      Process Profile contains?
a) Sequence of processes
b) Sequence of jobs
c) batch processes
172.                      File format for SQR?
a) PDF
d) txt
173.                      People Soft clients wants to get info about PSPT where to find it?
a) Partner Alliance
b) Partner Connection
c) People Soft Connect
d) Portal connect
e) PSU (check)
174.                      Which of the following are object definitions?
a) Mobile Page
b) File Layout
c) App Engine
175.                      How do you define the names of the application servers being used to access PeopleSoft?
a) In Configuration Manager, under the Application Servers tab.
176.                      ER Diagrams represent?
a) Graphical Representation of Business process and Relationsb) Flowchart of tables and Fields
177.                      Tuning can be done on which servers?
a) Database Server
b) App Server
c) Batch Server
e) Web Server
178.                      When do u view Business process map?
a) Change in mapping of data
179.                      A System Manager must approve all the transactions what is this?
a) Business Event
b) A Rule
c) A Role
d) Activity
180.                      The field mapping button on worklist definition is used for for mapping the fields of worklist record that can be visible on worklist message. We can assign the following type of values to it?
A role name
181.                      Question Maximum number of Actions in a Step?
182.                      PSWORKLIST record is used for workflow routing . It should contains minimum of ?
6 keys in Ascending orders
183.                      SQL Queries on PS_STAFF table?
3 Questions on this table with different queries and results
184.                      Let us take a Temp Table TMP_TAO.
In People Tools options the following instance settings are done
Temp Table Instances (Total) : 5
Temp Table Instances (Online): 4
In AE1 App Engine Program the instance count to TMP_TAO is 3
In AE2 App Engine Program the instance count to TMP_TAO is 5.
How many instances are created to TMP_TAO ?

185.                      PeopleCode variables (global, component, local, and parameter), method, and property names can now be up to _______ characters long?
186.                      PeopleSoft reserves ALL WinHelp context numbers (in Utilities, PeopleTools Options) up to which number?
187.                      File format u can download query result?
1. XLS 2. CSV
188.                      Which one of the following tree types is NOT supported in the PeopleSoft tree manager?
1. Query trees
2. Combination trees
189.                      Where is Unicode used?
2) Oracle
3) SQL Server
190.                      What is the minimum number of objects an object group can consist of?
1 19.
191.                      Use of process profile?
(scenario based on process profile / process group)Server o/p path override , process he can access